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按一下以編輯母片副標題樣式 12/9/15 Vegetation in SFCC Group members: F.5A Christy Chan F.5C May Chan (5) Kelly Chiu (9) Joyce Ng (26)

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Presentation on theme: "按一下以編輯母片副標題樣式 12/9/15 Vegetation in SFCC Group members: F.5A Christy Chan F.5C May Chan (5) Kelly Chiu (9) Joyce Ng (26)"— Presentation transcript:

1 按一下以編輯母片副標題樣式 12/9/15 Vegetation in SFCC Group members: F.5A Christy Chan F.5C May Chan (5) Kelly Chiu (9) Joyce Ng (26)

2 12/9/15 Undergrowth layer –Main features

3 12/9/15 Undergrowth layer –Main features 1. Roots Buttress roots  To provide mechanical support of trees against weight and wind  To absorb nutrients at once

4 12/9/15 Undergrowth layer –Main features

5 12/9/15 Undergrowth layer –Main features 2. Leaves Thick & Waxy surface  To prevent excess water loss through transpiration Oval-shaped Narrow crown due to the lack of sunlight Darker leaves => To absorb more sunlight

6 12/9/15 Undergrowth layer –Main features

7 12/9/15 Undergrowth layer –Main features Height: short  Due to lack of nutrients from sunlight to grow taller Drip-tip leaves  To shed the excess water away Narrow crown due to the lack of sunlight Darker leaves  To absorb more sunlight

8 12/9/15 Physical constraints on the growth of vegetation in SFCC  Lithosphere Dry soil (because of heavy leaching)  Adaptation Shallow roots  To absorb nutrients from top soil quickly

9 12/9/15 Undergrowth layer –Physical constraints - Competition of nutrients: There are other type of plants growing near or even on the trees, they have shared the nutrients absorbing in the soil, hence less nutrients can be absorbed from the roots.

10 12/9/15 Which vegetation in SFCC impresses you most?

11 12/9/15 Which vegetation in SFCC impresses you most? This shrub located beside such a huge tree, mainly all the nutrients in the soil are absorbed by the buttress roots from the huge tree, but this hasn’t hindered the growth of shrub. Therefore, this shrub in SFCC impresses us most because of its strong vitality and adaptation.

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