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WHAT IS A BIOME? Chapter 6 Section 1. What is a Biome? A biome is a large region characterized by a specific type of climate and certain types of plants.

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1 WHAT IS A BIOME? Chapter 6 Section 1

2 What is a Biome? A biome is a large region characterized by a specific type of climate and certain types of plants and animal communities. Biomes are named for the vegetation that grows there. (Ex. Temperate Grassland, Tropical Rain Forest)

3 Why are Biomes named for their vegetation? Biomes are named for their vegetation because the plants that grow there are the most noticeable characteristics.

4 The plants then determine the other organisms that can live there. – Ex: Mahogany Trees only grow in tropical rain forests. Animals that are dependent on the mahogany tree, will only live in the tropical rain forest too.

5 Plants and animals in any biome have specific adaptations that allow them to survive there. Examples are size, shape, and color. Plants that grow in the tundra (very cold, and dry) tend to be short because they cannot get enough water to grow taller.


7 What factors determine which plants live there? The main factor is Climate. – Climate is the weather conditions. Temperature, precipitation, humidity and winds all factor in. Temperature and precipitation are the most important. – All organisms need water, and the larger an organism is…the more water it needs. – Areas that get very little precipitation typically have only smaller organisms.

8 What factors effect climate? Latitude-the distance north or south of the equator. Altitude-the height of an object above sea level. Example: As altitude and latitude rise, climate gets colder. So as you go farther up a mountain, it gets colder.

9 Latitude and Longitude Practice 1.What continent is at 20 0 E; 20 0 N? 2.Which ocean is at 160 0 W; 0 0 ? 3.About where is Tennessee? 4.Which latitude has warmer climate? 40 0 N or 60 0 N 5.Which continent is at 140 0 E; 20 0 S 6.Which state is at 122 0 W; 40 0 N? 7.About where is Spain? 8.What country is at 80 0 W; 50 0 N?

10 Answers Africa Pacific 82W; 35N 40N Australia California 0-5W; 40N Canada

11 As latitude and altitude change, climate changes, which effects the vegetation and animals that can live in the area. All these changes together will effect the biome.

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