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Ranganathan’s Laws Emily, Amy, Chelsea, & Jessica October 1, 2007.

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1 Ranganathan’s Laws Emily, Amy, Chelsea, & Jessica October 1, 2007

2 Emily Rimland Information Literacy Librarian at Penn State University Blog: –LibLife-Log: “Life, thoughts, ideas and such in libraryland” Interests: –Reference Services –Marketing Reference Services –Learning 2.0 –Information Commons Model Articles Published in: –The Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship –Journal of Academic Librarianship –Reference Librarian

3 Journal Information RUSQ online Reference and User Services Quarterly –RUSA/ALA publication, began in 1960 as RQ –Basic title for all libraries, $65/year –“The purpose of Reference & User Services Quarterly is to disseminate information of interest to reference librarians, information specialists, and other professionals involved in user-oriented library services. The scope of the journal includes all aspects of library service to adults, and reference service and collection development at every level and for all types of libraries. The journal follows a policy of double-blind refereeing of articles in advance of publication “

4 Michèle Valerie Cloonan Dean and Professor of the Graduate School of Library & Information Science at Simmons College Previous work experience: –Professor – UCLA –Preservation Officer – Brown University –Head of Rare Books – Smith College Areas of Interest: –Preservation of Cultural Heritage –Education for Preservation & Conservation –The History of the Book and the Book Trade –The Book Arts: Bookbinding, Papermaking, Printing, and Publishing

5 Articles have been published in a variety of journals and edited anthologies, such as: –Library Journal –American Archivist –Library Trends –Library Quarterly –Women in Print (University of Wisconsin)

6 John G. Dove CEO of Credo Reference (was Xrefer) – an ‘online ready reference service that provides authoritative, aggregated content to academic, public and corporate libraries.’ Previous work experience: –Information-based businesses – financial services, management consulting, electronic publishing and education. –Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government – e- Government Executive Education Program focusing on strategic management issues related to e-government initiatives worldwide. –COO of SilverPlatter –Began his career as a software developer and systems architect

7 Journal Information Library Journal: History and Scope Ulrich’s Library Journal website

8 Rimland Summary Ranganathan’s Rules provide structure, guidance, and goals. 1. Books are for use - digital age: online access vs. print access - ILL - know patrons wants and needs 2. Every Reader, his or her book - build collection around user - format, preservation, and credible information - reference services

9 3. Every book, its reader - “build more connections for our users so that they can find all the materials that we have made free and accessible.” (Rimland, 25) -“Technology must be accessible, intuitive, affordable, and simple if it is to be useful to patrons.” (Rimland, 25) - instruction, outreach, and marketing 4. Save the time of the reader - through technology and knowledgeable staff 5. The library is a growing organism - expanding collection - outreach programs - physical space of library - life-changing

10 Cloonan & Dove Summary Every book, it’s reader –The ‘Googlization’ of electronic information –How are our current search mechanisms inadequate? –When do we violate Ranganathan’s third law? Creating Connections or ‘Resources [that] Look for People’ –Browsing –Linking –Marketing

11 What is a ‘well-arranged’ and open e-collection? –Excellent cross references –Interoperability –Value added benefits – citation formats, class pages, link resolvers –Interactivity –Systematic and thorough cataloging –Access & information literacy Where do we go from here? –Cultivate partnerships –Create connections –Provide personalized support –Promote services through effective marketing tools

12 Making Connections Ranganathan’s laws applied to contemporary librarianship Interrelatedness of all 5 laws Critical vs. Positive Selling a product?

13 Questions Are there other ideologies within the library world? Are Ranganathan’s laws really still relevant? Do we agree with Rimland’s interpretation of the laws? Where do the laws break down? What’s missing from the laws? Are we violating these laws? If we are, how could we correct the violations? How do these laws look/function in different library environments? How do these laws compare with the Library Bill of Rights? What’s the implication of having the CEO of a reference tool be the coauthor of an article advocating for change?

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