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Patient and Family Relations Patti Wentz, RN Team Leader, Patient and Family Relations.

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Presentation on theme: "Patient and Family Relations Patti Wentz, RN Team Leader, Patient and Family Relations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patient and Family Relations Patti Wentz, RN Team Leader, Patient and Family Relations

2 OBJECTIVES To understand the role of Patient and Family Relations To understand the difference between service recovery and a complaint. To understand when to contact PFR To understand appropriate documentation regarding concerns


4 Who is PFR The Department designated by GHS to handle all patient concerns and complaints 4 Nurses Primary Role Secondary Role CMS Requirement for this role

5 What is Service Recovery CMS Definition How is this accomplished? Who is “Staff Present” Where to document

6 What is a Complaint CMS Definition How is this handled Timelines Where to document

7 When do you call PFR? If you receive a complaint after the patient has been discharged. If the issue cannot be resolved at the time of initial contact by you and will require investigation or further intervention. If you feel you need additional support to resolve the complaint. If you receive a letter or email communication (anything in writing) from the patient or their family.

8 Role of the Nurse Manager related to Patient Complaints Leader rounding on all patients. Service Recovery at the first mention of dissatisfaction. Follow up rounding to ensure continued satisfaction. Immediate intervention and action when complaints are received. Completion of investigation and follow up entered into Datix within 7 days.

9 Role of Nurse Manager (cont.) Address concerns thoroughly and ensure that what is documented as done, gets done. Remain objective and not defensive.



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