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 Established in 1963, the NBCE develops, administers and scores legally defensible, standardized written and practical examinations for candidates seeking.

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Presentation on theme: " Established in 1963, the NBCE develops, administers and scores legally defensible, standardized written and practical examinations for candidates seeking."— Presentation transcript:


2  Established in 1963, the NBCE develops, administers and scores legally defensible, standardized written and practical examinations for candidates seeking chiropractic licensure throughout the United States and in many foreign countries.

3  The NBCE provides states, provinces and countries a valid, defensible, pre- and post- licensure examinations that reflect the current practice of chiropractic.  How do we do this?  Delphi studies  Practice analysis surveys  Test committees  Test administration

4  Through Delphi studies, we survey chiropractic college curricula to gain knowledge of what is being taught.  Through practice analysis surveys, we learn about the daily practice patterns of chiropractic practitioners.


6  The NBCE uses test committees in item development and selection of items for upcoming exams.  Test committees are made up of chiropractic college faculty, subject matter subjects, as well as clinicians who are selected from the state licensing boards.

7 The NBCE tests at chiropractic colleges in: United States Canada England France South Korea Australia New Zealand We use examiners for the Part IV exam. These examiners are nominated by their state board.


9  Guided by an 11-member board of directors.  5 district directors  4 at-large directors  2 members from the FCLB leadership  States select (voting) delegates and alternates to attend NBCE annual meeting.

10  Appointed/elected to serve by state licensing boards.  Delegates are the liaison to the NBCE  Attend NBCE annual meetings.  Vote on amendments to bylaws, which are a critical component of the foundation of the NBCE.  Delegates bring questions and concerns from state boards to the NBCE and bring information back to the state licensing boards.

11  District directors are nominated by their district and approved by all delegates.  District directors keep their district up-to-date on NBCE activities.  District directors recommend test committee members.

12  There are four At-Large Directors elected by the board.  When there is a vacancy for an At-Large Director, persons interested should contact an NBCE board member to make their interest known.  At-Large Directors serve two-year terms.  At-Large Directors may be a public member.

13  Please talk to any NBCE board member about your interests.

14  Thank you for your time today  Questions?

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