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Care Act – Programme Update September 2015 CHILDREN’S & ADULTS’ SERVICES.

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1 Care Act – Programme Update September 2015 CHILDREN’S & ADULTS’ SERVICES

2 Care Act Programme Update Care Act successfully implemented in Ealing from April 2015 Policies have been created/amended in line with Care Act requirements: New Charging Policy New Deferred Payment Agreement New Third Party Top Up Policy New Provider Failure Protocols New Commissioning & Procurement - Market Position Statement Improving services offered to Carers. Emergency cards One off payments Leisure passes Handyperson services New public facing information and advice - accessible via a variety of mediums and languages. Leaflets or online at: Round of grants for voluntary sector influenced by Care Act duties. Assessment of the “front door” following recommendations made after the IMPOWER review. Continue to embed change, refine practice and develop sustainable ways of working. Care Act 2015

3 Care Act Update Announcement in July 2015 to defer all Care Act 2016 proposals to April 2020 nment/publications/delay- in-the-implementation-of- the-cap-on-care-costs nment/publications/delay- in-the-implementation-of- the-cap-on-care-costs All items proposed have been deferred till April 2020, including : £72,000 cap Independent Personal Budget Changes to the Upper and Lower Capital Threshold Limit when for financial assessment. Zero cap proposed for those born with an eligible care need. The Income of working age people are left with after charges should be the same as pension age. Deferment of Care Act 2016 (funding reform)

4 Care Act Update Focus on developing communications and content management of Careplace: Consultation on charging policies - Oct/Nov 2015 (Telecare, Respite, charging for services provided to Carers) Further develop information, advice and the mediums these are accessible. Upgrading financial systems & main social care index (MOSAIC) Ongoing market management and procurement of the following: Extra Care Homecare Advocacy Residential/Nursing/Respite Carers Centre 2016 Further developing approaches for Quality Assurance - monitoring care providers in conjunction with Ealing CCG Improving and standardising recording protocols for Mental Health services – in line with the rest of Adult Social Care. Our Care Act 2015/16 Priorities

5 An expanding list of duties with a reducing budget will inevitably lead to some challenges. Areas in the scope for development are: Careline/Telecare Charging for services provided to Carers Respite policy Proposals are scheduled to inform cabinet by April 2016 Care Act Update …. and beyond

6 Working in partnership with Ealing Council to ensure information on CarePlace is accurate and up to date. Provide access to leaflets and current Adult Social Care information. Develop the network for information and advice. Liaise and support Ealing Council with it’s proposed charging consultation. Mobilise grant funded services as part of the common goal for ‘Prevention & Wellbeing’ Care Act Update Working in Partnership with Voluntary Organisations

7 Questions? Care Act Updates

8 For further information please contact : Trevor Daniel or Adenike Tilleray Ealing Council Adults Services

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