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Created By: Meghan Kipila Walden University: EDUC 6715 January 2012.

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1 Created By: Meghan Kipila Walden University: EDUC 6715 January 2012

2  Is typically thought of as distance learning in the form of a course taught mostly on the Internet rather than in a traditional classroom (Hargis, J., & Schofield, K. 2007, pg. 34)  Students can collaborate with other students from various locations  Instruction involving computers and technology

3  It provides students with enriching and engaging opportunities that a traditional classroom can not offer  It can be integrated with the required curriculum

4  Students who require enrichment  Home-schooled students  Students with specific learning needs  Classrooms who are lacking materials to support instruction  Students who need additional motivation and/or stimulation

5  Strong academic skills, motivation, discipline, and course structure compatible with one’s learning style are conducive to success in K-12 online learning (Cavanaugh, C., & Clark, T. 2007, pg. 12)

6  In well-designed courses, virtual school students demonstrate improvement in problem solving, creative thinking, decision making, and time management (Cavanaugh, C., & Clark, T. 2007, pg. 13)  Can give students opportunities to demonstrate mastery of academic concepts while using today’s tools and resources (Young, J., Birtolo, P., & McElman, R., 2009, pg. 16).

7  To foster online learning, it essential to create a learning management system (LMS), such as  Haiku provides a variety of collaborative activities:  Blogs  WikiProjects  Discussions/Comments

8  Teachers can keep online records of student work  Students can locate assignments and complete online assessments  Teachers can create drop boxes, so students can hand in their assignments in an organized manner  Student and parent feedback can be monitored through online polls

9  Time consuming to create, manage, and update an LMS for students  Can be difficult for someone who lacks a strong background in technology  Places a lot of responsibility on students  May not have rapport with students

10  Allows for work to be centrally located and organized  Constant collaboration with students/adults from various locations  Responsible for creating problem solvers and critical thinkers  Staying current with the latest trends in education

11   

12  Cavanaugh, C., & Clark, T. (2007). The landscape of K–12 online learning. In R. Blomeyer, & C. Cavanaugh (Eds.), What works in K–12 online learning (pp. 5–19). Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.  Gillard, S., & Bailey, D. (2007). Technology in the classroom: Overcoming obstacles, reaping rewards. The International Journal of Learning, 14(1), 87–93.  Hargis, J., & Schofield, K. (2007). Integrating online learning into elementary classrooms. In R. Blomeyer, & C. Cavanaugh (Eds.), What works in K–12 online learning (pp. 33–47). Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.  Young, J., Birtolo, P., & McElman, R. (2009). Virtual success: Transforming education through online learning. Learning & Leading With Technology, 36(5), 12–17.  **All articles were retrieved from the Walden University Library using the Education Research Complete database.

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