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Teaching Educators About Technology Alyssa DiPasquale Ashley Scavetta Erin Smythe.

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1 Teaching Educators About Technology Alyssa DiPasquale Ashley Scavetta Erin Smythe

2 Summary  Many older teachers come in blind when it comes to technology and they have to come up with ways to learn about it  Need more professional development before getting the devices  Teachers should get into using social media on their own before implementing it into their classrooms  There is a lot of curriculum to teach students and teachers at the same time about digital citizenship  Reasons why we should learn about and integrate technology  Don’t want to get too carried away with how much technology we are integrating

3 Article 1: Preparing Teachers to Use Technology  Not all teachers are ready to use technology because they didn’t grow up with it.  Not all teachers have technology in their homes to prepare for lessons involving technology  Online discussion groups, forums, e-mail lists, bulletin boards, message boards, and chat rooms  NCATE Certification  Most schools are starting to hold professional development opportunities for teachers regarding technology

4 Article 2: Schools Turn to In- House Experts for Tech Training  Schools have technology funds to stock up on technology instead of educating teachers on how to use it first.  Colleagues training colleagues  More money is being spent on devices than professional development  Need for PLCs

5 Article 3: Why Educators Should Spend 15 Minutes A Day on Social Media`  Connect with other educators  Improve at your own position  Sparking ideas

6 Article 4: Digital Citizenship Week: 6 Resources for Educators  Many different types of curriculum to use with students and ways to engage parents  Digital Literacy and Citizen Curriculum for K-12  Google Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum  Search for Digital Literacy Lessons at MediaSmarts  Lessons for Teaching Digital Citizenship for Cable Impacts  Resources for Teaching Digital Literacy from Digizen  Digital Citizenship Videos from the TeachingChannel

7 Article 5: Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum? The Reasons Are Many  Technology should be integrated in all subjects  Technology should be used regularly  Intellectual challenges and touching all types of learners  Strengthens relationships

8 Article 6: Technology and Teaching: Finding a Balance  Technology is a universal language for the entire world, but there needs to be a balance.  “Teaching students how to balance technology usage along with offline socializing is essential”  Appropriate applications  Gradually keep adding technology- don’t try everything at once

9 Why is this important?  Teachers need to be actively learning about technology: professional development or by experimenting  There is a lot of help out there for teachers to learn about technology: being unsure or uncomfortable is not an excuse  Can positively change how students learn  Essential skills involved in technology and the generation that we are teaching  Great to implement into lessons, but make it appropriate

10 Works Cited   schools/articles/2011/11/08/schools-turn-to-in-house- experts-for-tech-training?int=96e908 schools/articles/2011/11/08/schools-turn-to-in-house- experts-for-tech-training?int=96e908  Educators-Should-Spend-Time-Daily-on-Social- Media.html Educators-Should-Spend-Time-Daily-on-Social- Media.html  resources-matt-davis resources-matt-davis  introduction introduction  teaching-finding-balance-andrew-marcinek

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