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François Vase. It was found in 1845 in fragments by Alessandro François c. 570 BC Potter - Ergotimos Painter - Kleitias Both the potter and the painter.

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Presentation on theme: "François Vase. It was found in 1845 in fragments by Alessandro François c. 570 BC Potter - Ergotimos Painter - Kleitias Both the potter and the painter."— Presentation transcript:

1 François Vase

2 It was found in 1845 in fragments by Alessandro François c. 570 BC Potter - Ergotimos Painter - Kleitias Both the potter and the painter proudly signed their names in the chief frieze and again in the upper frieze Volute Crater Earliest known example Used for mixing wine and water at symposiums Shape and decoration revolutionary for its time 66cm

3 Painting Style and Technique There are 6 bands of decoration Inspired by Corinthian “Miniaturist style” It has 270 animal and human figures 121 of which are named Rows of mythological animals. Exotic vegetal motifs, such as the lotus and palmette Common in the “Orientalising Period” Drapery is ill-fitting with no elaborate gestures. Black figure technique used for the black incised silhouettes. Extra colour has been added. Purple-red for cloth and white for female flesh. Many of the detail added via colour has now been removed due to the delicate nature of the vase including eyes, the dog on the back of the Caledonian boar and King Priam’s clothes.

4 Decoration of Side A - The Neck FIRST BAND Hunting of the Calydonian Boar King Oeneus, the king of Calydon, had insulted Artemis by not sacrificing her. So Artemis sent the Calydonian Boar to destroy Calydon. It rampaged throughout the countryside, destroying vineyards and crops, forcing people to take refuge inside the city walls, where they began to starve. The king sent his son Meleager together together a band of heroes to hunt the boar. Amoung them were Peleus and Atalanta.

5 Decoration of Side A - The Neck SECOND BAND The funeral games of Patroclus Patroclus was the best friend of Achilles. During the Trojan War Achilles had an argument with Agamemnon, leader of the Greeks. Achilles refused to help the Greeks fight. Patroclus borrowed the armour of Achilles and went out to fight. During the battle he was killed, and the grief stricken Achilles held magnificent funeral games in his honor. Chariot races held by Achilles in honor of his dead friend Patroclus

6 Decoration of Side A - The body THIRD BAND Marriage of Peleus to Thetis Runs around the centre of the vase and show the gods visiting the newly wed Peleus and Thetis. Zeus and Poseidon had both wanted to marry Thetis. But they heard a prophecy. The son of Thetis would overthrow his father. So they wed her to a mortal. Their son was Achilles. He was the greatest hero of the Trojan War. This band continues to side b The wedding was attended by all the major gods. All the figures are named. An incident that occurred at this wedding led to the “Judgement of Paris” and consequent Trojan War.

7 Decoration of Side A - The body FOURTH BAND Achilles and Troilus In this band, the earliest episode of the Trojan War is depicted. Troilus, was killed by Achilles in a temple. Here we see, Priam the father of Troilus, is shown sitting outside the walls of troy, while a rescue party led by Troilus’ brothers Hector and Polites, emerges from the gates.

8 Decoration of Side A - The body FIFTH BAND Gryphons This frieze contains animals inspired from orientalising. It depicts a lion felling a bull; a lion felling a stag and a pair of gryphons sitting on either side of a lotus and palmette motif. Just as the third band, this one too travels round to side b.

9 Decoration of Side B - The neck FIRST BAND Liberation of the Athenian Youths and Maidens Here we see the dance of Athenians youths and maidens who were liberated from Crete by Thesseus. The dance takes place in Delos. Thesseus leads this victory dance, playing the lyre. The archaic peplos which the girls adorn should be noted. We also see the boat which took them to Delos

10 Decoration of Side B - The neck SECOND BAND Lapiths and Centaurs This band depicts the battle between the Lapiths and the centaurs, called centauromachy. A centaur hurled a rock at Theseus while Kaineus, the leader of the Lapiths, is beaten with a branch by the centaur Hylaios. Kaineus died but the Lapiths won the battle.

11 Decoration of Side B - The body FOURTH BAND Hephaistos Here the return of hephaistos to Olympus is depicted. The god dionysus leads his mule and they are accompanied by nymphs (spirits of nature envisaged as beautiful maidens) and satyrs (half-men, half-goats).

12 Decoration of the foot Pygmies and Cranes The foot is decorated with one of the earliest known depictions of ‘The Geranomachy’ or the battle between pygmies and cranes. The pygmies are armed with slings and sticks and lived Africa, India or Scythia. The Cranes flee to the southern stream of the ocean to attack the pygmies. According to Homer.

13 Decoration of the handle Top of Handle Artemis with Animals Bottom of Handle Ajax carrying the body of Achilles

14 How they’re all connected Achilles Peleus Theseus Troilus Son of Priam, King of Troy - Killed by Achilles Meleager Hunt for Calydonian Boar Peirithous Battle of Lapiths and Centaurs A friend of Theseus Geranos Liberator of Athenian Youths Wedding of - Thetis Befriender of - Hephaistos Funeral games of Patrolcus Killed by Hector Father Reputed to be present

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