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The Milky Way Galaxy. Sky Maps in Different Bands.

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Presentation on theme: "The Milky Way Galaxy. Sky Maps in Different Bands."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Milky Way Galaxy

2 Sky Maps in Different Bands

3 The Milky Way: Historical Prelude  William Herschel (1785) – shape of MW from counting stars; region of more stars implies greater extent  Jacobus Kapteyn (~1900) – similar result as Herschel Both Herschel and Kapteyn inferred MW to be a flat disk, but incorrectly placed Sun near center. They did not know about extinction!

4 Hershel’s Map

5 Living on the Inside

6 Locating the Galactic Center Harlow Shapley (1915) – Identified RR Lyraes in globular clusters, so he measured their distances He further noted that globulars tended to be in one part of the sky He thus located the MW center in a “mobile” deprojection style approach.

7 Milky Way Components Disk – contains most of gas and stars Nuecleus – central region of MW, likely with a 10 6 M o black hole at center Bulge – sorta spherical region of stars around nucleus Halo – extended spherical region with globular clusters, old stars, and “dark matter”

8 Anatomy of the Milky Way

9 Milky Way Properties Diameter of Disk: ~ 40 kpc Diameter of Halo: ~ 70 kpc (?) Diameter of Bulge: ~ 6 kpc Location of Sun: ~ 8.5 kpc from center of disk Mass of MW: –Total ~ 10 12 M o –Gas ~ 10 10 M o –Stars ~ 10 11 M o –Dark Matter ~ 10 12 M o

10 Stellar Populations in the MW Pop. I –Stars in disk –Orbits lie in disk –Stars have trace metals Pop. II –Stars in halo –Orbits are “random” about G.C. –Extremely trace metals


12 Milky Way Formation

13 Spiral Arms O & B stars form where there is gas and live short lives. Distances reveal that these stars group along “segments”, suggesting spiral arms Radio measurements have mapped out the spiral structure in H-gas The arms are a “pattern”, where MW matter moves slow inside arms and fast inbetween

14 The Arms

15 The Process of Radio 21 cm Radiation

16 Example use of 21cm mapping in other galaxies to trace their HI clouds

17 Radio Mapping the MW Arms

18 Mapping Example

19 The Arms: The Winding-Up Problem

20 Spiral Arms as a Pattern

21 Spiral Pattern Models

22 The Galactic Rotation Curve Sun, stars, and gas orbit around MW center in a disk, obeying Kepler’s 3 rd Law, Know r(Sun) = 8.5 kpc, v rot (Sun) = 220 km/s, so that mass interior to the Sun’s orbit is ~ 10 11 M o [Note, v rot ~ 46 AU/yr or 1 circuit every ~10 8 yrs]

23 Example Rotation Curves

24 Milky Way Rotation Curve

25 The Dark Matter Can construct a rotation curve by using other “markers” – stars and clouds Observe a “flat” rotation curve with v rot =constant But this implies that M ~ r ! Where does it end? At MW edge, expect to see Estimates set M MW ~ 10 12 M o, 10x more than observed luminous matter, hence 90% of our Galaxy remains “unseen” and mysterious

26 Dark Matter Candidates Remains unclear 1.Old WDs 2.Brown Dwarfs 3.Planets 4.BHs 5.Neutrinos 6.H 2 gas clouds 7.Modified gravity

27 The Galactic Center Cannot “see” in visible light, so must study in other bands (X-ray, IR, radio) Crowded with stars At very center is a large rotating ring of gas, with about 10 4 M o, stretching from r=2 pc to r=8pc, rotating at 110 km/s, implying 10 7 M o of matter interior to 2 pcs Difficult to cram so much matter in so little space!

28 Galactic Center from Chandra Different colors for different energies of the X-ray photons

29 Radio Maps of the Galactic Center: The bright spot in the center is Sgr*, the center of our Galaxy

30 Orbits of Stars at MW Center: ( More evidence for a massive BH)

31 The Central Black Hole Strong suggestion of a super-massive BH (SBH) of M ~ 10 7 M o, with R S ~ 0.2 AU Main evidence from a compact (13 AU in size) and bright radio source at Sgr A* Possibly an accretion disk of gas that feeds the SBH

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