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Observation and Data Analysis Activityin SPOrt and BaR-SPOrt Exp.s Ettore Carretti Bologna 7-9 January 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Observation and Data Analysis Activityin SPOrt and BaR-SPOrt Exp.s Ettore Carretti Bologna 7-9 January 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observation and Data Analysis Activityin SPOrt and BaR-SPOrt Exp.s Ettore Carretti Bologna 7-9 January 2004

2 The Science Context Most of information we have about formation, evolution and destiny of the Universe come from investigations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) –Anisotropy –Polarization –Spectrum CMB photons had last interaction with free electrons about 300000 years after the Big Bang. They are then carrying the picture of an Universe 50000 times younger, 1000 times hotter and 10 9 times denser than today. Statistic properties of such a picture are determined by the plasma physics pre- recombination (acoustic oscillations), by the physics of the early universe (early fluctuations spectrum) and both by the expansion and the geometry of the universe on large scales. This picture represents the only straight way to investigate the Early Universe and it allows to study its properties. 13.7 Billion years

3 Why observing CMBP ? Polarization Anisotropy The polarized component of the CMB provides new information on: Large angular scales (10°-20°): can disantangle models with different  better than the anisotropy Large angular scales (10°-20°): can disantangle models with different  better than the anisotropy Small angular scales (0.2°-0.4°): can provide confirmation of the inflationary frame. Small angular scales (0.2°-0.4°): can provide confirmation of the inflationary frame. E-mode peaks correspond to anisotropy minima and viceversa. DASI, WMAP.

4 Activity in Radio/MW Polarization week The CMBP signal is week (few uK for the E-mode; < 0.3uK for the B-Mode) and calls for: I.Experiment Design Analysis I.Experiment Design Analysis to take instrumental errors under control; II.Data Analysis II.Data Analysis to –Remove residual systematic effects; –Extract relevant scientific information. –Galactic foreground emission study (Synchrotron); III. low Synchrotron emission regions (BaR-SPOrt); III. Identification of low Synchrotron emission regions (BaR-SPOrt); IV. Calibration IV. Identification of Calibration sources; V.Theoretical studies V.Theoretical studies of the relevant astrophysics: Galaxy and CMBP.

5 Activity in Radio/MW Polarization: People Bernardi GianniDottorando Carretti EttoreRicercatore Casarini LucianoDottorando Cecchini StefanoI Ricercatore Cortiglioni StefanoRicercatore Macculi ClaudioAssegno di Ric. Sbarra CarlaRicercatore ex Art. 23 Sezione di Bologna IRAUNI MI-BicoccaUNI FIRENZEATNF-CSIROMPI-fR BonnIEIIT-CNR

6 I. Design Analysis Experiment Design Analysis Experiment Design Analysis to take instrumental errors under control: instrumental effectsAnalysis of instrumental effects on data (antenna correlation, thermal effects, …..). Definition of SpecsDefinition of Specs for all components of the system to take systematics under control w.r.t. the wanted signal (CMBP) Instrument clean enough to match data reduction software requirements Carretti E. et al. (2001) NewA, 6, 173 Carretti E. et al. (2004) submitted to A&A

7 I. Design Analysis (2) Carretti E. et al. (2004) submitted to A&A

8 II. Data Analysis: Destriping Data AnalysisData Analysis to –Remove residual systematic effects; –Extract relevant scientific information Instabilities on time scales larger than the signal modulation period generate stripes on the map: Destriping software. fast iterative version Sbarra C. et al. (2003) A&A, 401, 1215 before….after destriping

9 Data Analysis (2) 60 90 Cosmological parameter extraction for the forthcoming experiments SPOrt and BaR-SPOrt (e.g. optical depth  ): in progress.Cosmological parameter extraction for the forthcoming experiments SPOrt and BaR-SPOrt (e.g. optical depth  ): in progress. Measurements of Foreground properties: Angular Power Spectra of synchrotron emissionMeasurements of Foreground properties: Angular Power Spectra of synchrotron emission Galactic Foreground Separation from CMBP signalGalactic Foreground Separation from CMBP signal Tucci M. et al. (2000) NewA, 5, 181 Bruscoli M. et al. (2002) NewA, 7, 171 Power Spectra of Galactic synchrotron extrapolated to 60 and 90 GHz and compared to CMBP E-ModePower Spectra of Galactic synchrotron extrapolated to 60 and 90 GHz and compared to CMBP E-Mode

10 Frequency 32 GHz  1.0 90 GHz  0.05 150 GHz  0.02 About 100 times lower than the CMBP signal III. Observations of Low Emission Areas: the BOOMERanG Patch @ 1.4 GHz Selected target! No polarization Observations in low Galactic emission region existed;No polarization Observations in low Galactic emission region existed; First detection of diffuse signal at a so low emission level (ATCA-ATNF).First detection of diffuse signal at a so low emission level (ATCA-ATNF). Mean Emission is found to be: I p ~ 11.6 mKMean Emission is found to be: I p ~ 11.6 mK Extrapolations are promising for CMBPExtrapolations are promising for CMBP Bernardi et al., ApJL, 594, L5, astro-ph/0307363

11 Activity of observation of low polarized synchrotron emission areas: Observations of the BOOMERanG patch at 2.3 and 5 GHz (already performed in June 2003 and December 2003);Observations of the BOOMERanG patch at 2.3 and 5 GHz (already performed in June 2003 and December 2003); Observations of the DASI patch at 1.4 GHz (already performed in July 2003)Observations of the DASI patch at 1.4 GHz (already performed in July 2003) Observations of the BaR-SPOrt Northern target at 1.4 GHz (Low emission area at RA = 11 h, DEC = 42°)Observations of the BaR-SPOrt Northern target at 1.4 GHz (Low emission area at RA = 11 h, DEC = 42°) Already done with Effelsberg Telescope April 2003. Already done with Effelsberg Telescope April 2003. Observations: Work in progress… I PI

12 IV. Calibrators: Moon Observations Calibration Identification of Calibration sources challengeFinding CMBP calibrators is a challenge for Experimenters – no dipole – no planets very faint.Polarized calibrators (as 3C286) are very faint. the MoonA solution: the Moon Observation at 8.3 GHz (MEDICINA) Polarized intensity is really high: - Peak at  10 K on arcmin scale -  5 mK integrated on 7° SPOrt beam In progress: Observations at 22, 32 and 90 GHz in next future. Poppi S. et al. (2002) AIP Conf. Proc. 609, 187

13 V. Theoretical Analysis Theoretical studies Theoretical studies of the relevant astrophysics: Galaxy and CMBP. Synchrotron emission lack of dataSynchrotron emission likely represents the most important foreground noise (spinning dust?), but…. lack of data at high Galactic latitutes and in the MW range: synch emission template –Development of a polarized synch emission template –Analysis high Galactic latitudes –Analysis of the observed data at high Galactic latitudes Study of re-ionization scenariosStudy of re-ionization scenarios at the epoch of formation of first galaxies. Bernardi G. et al. (2003) MNRAS, 344, 347Bernardi G. et al. (2004) MNRAS, submitted

14 Activity in Radio/MW Polarization I.Experiment Design Analysis I.Experiment Design Analysis to take instrumental errors under control; II.Data Analysis II.Data Analysis to –Remove residual systematic effects; –Extract relevant scientific information. –Galactic foreground emission study (Synchrotron); III. low Synchrotron emission regions (BaR-SPOrt); III. Identification of low Synchrotron emission regions (BaR-SPOrt); IV. Calibration IV. Identification of Calibration sources; V.Theoretical studies V.Theoretical studies of the relevant astrophysics: Galaxy and CMBP.

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