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Conniving The brothers spoke in a conniving tone when they told their mom they were going to the library; she knew they weren’t telling the truth. Def:

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Presentation on theme: "Conniving The brothers spoke in a conniving tone when they told their mom they were going to the library; she knew they weren’t telling the truth. Def:"— Presentation transcript:

1 conniving The brothers spoke in a conniving tone when they told their mom they were going to the library; she knew they weren’t telling the truth. Def: sneaky, not truthful; Syn:lying, mischevious Ant: honest Part of Speech: adj. 1

2 tempest The residents of the island braced for the tempest by tying down anything that could blow away; those storms can cause much damage! Def: powerful storm Syn: hurricane Ant: Part of Speecnh: noun 2

3 integration The teachers at my new school really focused on integration; they always combined subjects so we learned math in social studies and reading skills in science. Def: combining of two things Syn: combination Ant: separation; segregation Part of Speech: noun 3

4 barrage For the first few years of his career, Jackie Robinson faced a barrage of insults when he took the field; he was constantly bombarded with racial slurs and hateful comments. Def: a large amount of something all at once Syn: onslaught Ant: single Part of Speech: noun 4

5 advocated The parents advocated more field trips for the school by speaking at school board meetings; they argued that the kids would learn a lot from them. Def: in favor Syn: insist, persuade Ant: deny Part of Speech:verb 5

6 debris After the storm, there was much debris thrown about the neighborhood; trash cans were tipped and junk was everywhere!. Def: damaged things Syn: junk, trash Ant: Part of Speech: noun 6

7 badgering The newspaper reporter was badgering the lawyer for details about the big court case; she kept asking questions even though he asked her to stop. Def: keep asking questions Syn: hounding Ant: stopping Part of Speech: verb 7

8 sacred Arlington Cemetery is considered a sacred place, as thousands of soldiers who were killed in war are buried there. People treat it with much respect and reverence. Def: treated with respect; holy Syn: special, important, holy Ant: Part of Speech: adj 8

9 subsist While on the island, Phillip and Timothy could barely subsist on the food available to them; they did not have any more than they needed. Def:to survive Syn: exist Ant: thrive Part of Speech: vereb 9

10 scour After the tornado, the residents scoured through the debris looking for any of their possessions. They had to dig and search through a lot of wreckage. Def: to look by digging through Syn: search, rummage Ant: ignore Part of Speech: verb 10

11 Scour Subsist Sacred Badgering Debris Conniving Tempest Integration Barrage Advocate

12 Number a page in your vocab. notebook from 1 to 10 for a practice quiz.

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