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1 Presentation Created by Dr. Robert Ferguson An.

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1 1 Presentation Created by Dr. Robert Ferguson An

2 2 The Reading Problem The USA ranks 49th internationally in literacy. 60 million Americans are functionally illiterate. 35% of college freshmen take remedial courses. High-tech jobs require higher levels of literacy than ever before.

3 3 How Can We Solve the Problem? How did we learn to walk? How did we learn to talk? How did we improve at these and other skills?

4 4 Practice! Practice builds proficiency. Helps students of all abilities in all subjects. Lower achieving pupils gain more from practice than higher achievers.

5 5 TWI, the Application of Reading To, Reading With, and Reading Independently TWI is a developmental approach that helps you find the most effective way to foster reading skills for every pupil and balances instruction with practice.

6 6 TWI Means Accountable Reading Practice Book reports and response journals are useful--but they don’t provided quick, reliable accountability. After reading a book, students take AR quizzes.

7 7 LIS Stands for Learning Information Systems LIS help teachers manage class time. Less lost time Less time on assessment and record-keeping More time-on-task reading practice

8 8 “Learning information systems are on the cutting edge of technology. They do not replace teachers, but are tools for classroom use.” David Iversen, Teacher Oak Ridge Elementary San Jose, CA

9 9 Learning Information Systems provide... A. A. Task completion, performance, and time-on-task. B. B. Placement of pupils in appropriate level, measure progress, and predict results. C. C. Performance assessments.

10 10 Learning Information Systems Accelerated Reader is the task-level learning information system that provides daily feedback on pupil progress. STAR Reading is a classroom-achievement- level learning information system.

11 11 Accelerated Reader® computerized reading management system is the overwhelming favorite among educators.

12 12 An independent North Carolina study concluded that the Accelerated Reader® “had a significant effect on students’ reading achievement.” Source: “Reading Achievement: Effects of Computerized Reading Management and Enrichment,” published in ERS Spectrum.

13 13 LIS Boost Test Scores The most recent study, LIS Effects on Reading, Language Arts, and Math, conducted by the Institute for Academic Excellence, shows higher mean scale scores in key academic areas.

14 14 It’s as Easy as 1-2-3! 1. Student reads a book. 2. Student takes a quiz. 3. Teacher gets a report.

15 15 Take a sample Accelerated Reader® quiz The following quiz is very much like those found on the Accelerated Reader® Title Disks. The quiz is not available on Title Disks (to prevent students from getting actual answers from this demo), the examples are structured just like real Accelerated Reader® quizzes.

16 16 The Three Bears An Accelerated Reader Sample Test Question 1 Where did the three bears live? a) In the woods b) In the city c) On the beach d) In the mountains

17 17 The Three Bears An Accelerated Reader Sample Test Question 2 What color was Goldilocks' hair? a) Blond b) Red c) Brown d) Black

18 18 The Three Bears An Accelerated Reader Sample Test Question 3 What did Goldilocks break? a) A chair b) A bicycle c) A window d) A cookie jar

19 19 The Three Bears An Accelerated Reader Sample Test Question 4 What did Goldilocks eat? a) Bacon and eggs b) Twinkies c) Curds and whey d) Porridge

20 20 The Three Bears An Accelerated Reader Sample Test Question 5 What was Goldilocks doing when the bears came home? a) Sleeping b) Watching TV c) Playing the piano d) Talking on the telephone

21 21 The Three Bears Test Results An Accelerated Reader Sample Test Number Right:...….. 5 Number Wrong:...... 0 Percent Right:..... 100.00 Points Possible:... 0.50 Points Earned:..... 0.50

22 22 RMS = Reading Motivation System RMS long-term goal is to develop an intrinsic love of reading. A comprehensive system of motivators is most effective. Motivation assures full use of TWI time.

23 23 How do we motivate students? 1. Points 2. Prizes 3. Praise 4. Competition 5. Goals

24 24 MIMI = Motivate, Instruct, Monitor, Intervene Motivate: challenge pupils & nurture love of reading Instruct: how to select books & mini-lessons Monitor: taking quizzes & reports Intervene: diagnose

25 25 RR = TWI + LIS + RMS + MIMI This has only been a brief overview of Reading Renaissance. As we work together to implement AR, you will witness a significant improvement in the quality of books kids are reading.

26 26 Where Do We Go From Here? Establish an AR task group. Have students in grades 2-5 take the STAR reading assessment. Introduce pupils to AR. Schedule practice time. Challenge students to participate.

27 27 Go to for details Return to Go to the Reading Links PageReading Links Page Thank you for visiting Dr. Ferguson’s site.

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