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I was born on August 17, 2001. For the first 9 years of my life, I lived in Melborne, Florida. Then, June, 2011, I moved here to New Bern, North Carolina.

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Presentation on theme: "I was born on August 17, 2001. For the first 9 years of my life, I lived in Melborne, Florida. Then, June, 2011, I moved here to New Bern, North Carolina."— Presentation transcript:

1 I was born on August 17, 2001. For the first 9 years of my life, I lived in Melborne, Florida. Then, June, 2011, I moved here to New Bern, North Carolina. My father’s name is Robert and my mother’s name is Kim. My favorite animal is a giraffe because of how tall it is. My favorite color and number is orange and 18. I’m not sure why I like them though. When I get older, I would like to be an optometrist. I think that has to do with eyes, like my sister. My sister’s name is Kristen and my brother’s name is Chase. My favorite memory was when I got my dog Peaches Christmas Eve. She was a Rat Terrier. My saddest memory is when she died. But, I soon felt better. I have only one pet now. That is a horse named Serenity. I live on a farm with chickens, horses, and dogs. We have 5 horses named: Princess, Captain, Little Man, Jaxson, and Serenity. The dogs names are: Bandi, Nathan, Buddy, Rangler, and Sassy. Now you know more about me. Math: I can use a rectangular array to find a whole-number quotient of a 3- digit number. I can draw a picture and use an equation to find a whole-number quotient of a 3-digit number. I can use an area model to find whole-number quotients of whole numbers with up to four-digit dividends and two-digit divisors. I can use an equation to explain the calculation of dividing a four- digit dividend by a two-digit divisor. Language Arts: I can identify the purpose of text features. I can evaluate and use text features which will best help support a piece of writing I create. I can apply my understanding of a character to write from their perspective. Science: I can explain what Dew has to do with the water cycle and how Dew point is determined. I can explain how hurricanes form and travel. I can name the two things that they need. I can manipulate the jet stream and predict the weather as a result. I can explain the gulf stream. I can use a balloon to explain air pressure. I can explain how air pressure affects weather. Social Studies: I can label the Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western Hemispheres. I can draw and label the Equator and Prime Meridian.

2 Multi-step word problems are tested so heavily on the EOG, but students have a difficult time understanding what each problem is asking of them. Even though your child might understand exactly how to multiply two numbers, he/she may not understand that the problem is requiring them to do this to solve the problem. Because of this, your child completes a multi-step word problem daily in class. These are added to his/her math journal. Ask your child to bring this home with him/her on weekends so that you can see the hard work done in class! This is also a great way for you to help with difficult areas and to encourage them to use resources to answer these questions. When students receive the math journal problem, it is read aloud to them. They paste the question in their math journal. They are allowed to use any resource within the classroom including math books, school kit resources we make together, manipulatives in their power packs, anything! When they finish solving the problem, they must re-write the answer in a complete sentence to be sure they’ve answered the questions asked. They then write their answers to three questions: 1)What strategy did you use to solve this problem? Why? 2) Do you think your answer is correct? Why or why not? 3) Is there anything about the problem with which you need help? (This helps me re-teach difficult concepts if necessary.) Below are some outstanding math journal entries. Stay tuned for more throughout the year! Harry Potter Party To celebrate the completion of our first project, we’ll have a Harry Potter Party Friday. On this day, students will participate in math, science, social studies, and reading activities related to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone! They’ll also be allowed to dress up in costume if they choose to do so AS LONG AS A SCHOOL UNIFORM IS STILL WORN UNDER THE COSTUME. There will be a Hogwarts feast after lunch to celebrate the end of our first 5 th grade chapter.

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