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 What questions did we try to answer? › Alive?  How did we answer this? › Observations  In different environments  Under a microscope › Testing 

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2  What questions did we try to answer? › Alive?  How did we answer this? › Observations  In different environments  Under a microscope › Testing  Bromo Thymol Blue

3  The unknown was added to 5 different environments, and kept as a control to compare results. › Salt › Salt water › Sugar water › Soil › Soil and water › Control

4  Day 1 › No visible change  Day 2 › Unknown turned black and apparently died  Day 3 › No visible change  We tested the Unknown with salt to see its (chemical) reaction, if any.

5  Day 1 › No visible change  Day 2 › Motion could be seen by naked eye › Under microscope, (red), what was clearly some species of insect appeared to be eating the immobile black spots, or reacting similarly.  Day 3 › The mobile creatures died, and turned a orange color.

6  We tested it in salt water because salt water creatures would die in freshwater

7  Day 1 › What could be a seed sprout and was clearly made of cells was in a curved shape like that of a sprout opening, with mobile cells floating around the edges

8  We tested the Unknown in sugar water to give some form of sustenance (sugar) to anything that was living in the Unknown

9  Day 1 › No visible change  Day 2 › No visible change  Day 3 › No visible change  We put the unknown I soil to see if it would grow, without water

10  Day 1 › Unknown became soggy, but no spouting occurred  Day 2 › no visible change  Day 3 › All water evaporated, leaving everything dry  We put the unknown in soil and water to see if it would grow, with water

11  The specimen showed evidence of energy conversion, as it gave off carbon dioxide, which turned the Bromo Thymol Blue green.

12  Did it show evidence of reproduction?  Concluding

13  The salt water creatures showed signs of reproducing, because there were no sign of them on day 1, but by day 2 there was a multitude, showing that they reproduced overnight.

14  Can I answer yes to ALL of these questions? › Does it respond to its environment? › Does it reproduce? › Does it grow/ develop? › Does it convert some form of energy? › Is it made of cells?

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