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 Between 1990 and 1999, the major networks (ABC, NBC and CBS) devoted more coverage to crime than any other topic on their nightly national newscasts.

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3  Between 1990 and 1999, the major networks (ABC, NBC and CBS) devoted more coverage to crime than any other topic on their nightly national newscasts.  On local television news, crime consumed 30% of all news time  In the news when crime victims are depicted, they are typically white, female, and affluent  Term ‘missing white woman syndrome’ is to describe the extensive media coverage, especially in television, of missing person cases that involve young, white, upper- middle class women or girls  Media coverage tends to be higher when female fall into this category Media coverage of crime TV Crime Dramas Soulliere et al studied seasons of variety crime drama series and found: Majority of victims = female, white, under age 25, and knew their offenders Majority of offenders = male, white, and young

4 Moral panic is a term used to describe the way in which media exaggerates things hence making the situation look worse then it actual is. Critics argue media depictions of violence are problematic not because they cause crime, but because they generate fear and reinforce popular support for harsher punishment Media exaggeration of crime

5 Is this exaggeration of amount of crime true?

6 Media representation of youth and crime  In gun or knife crime news, the ‘race’ or ethnic background of the young men or boys, as either victims or perpetrators  32% of tv shows featuring young people were related to crime or antisocial behaviour “This reinforces false perceptions and stereotypes and limits the opportunity to have different stories. The result is that this is how some people will view black people and expect us to behave.” –viewer that complained UK rapper Sway : “So glad we have a show like Top Boy, despite what people might say it gives some insight to what really happens out here.” Top Boy

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