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SIGNS OF THE TIMES: What signs in Matthew 24 could have or are happening today?

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Presentation on theme: "SIGNS OF THE TIMES: What signs in Matthew 24 could have or are happening today?"— Presentation transcript:


2 SIGNS OF THE TIMES: What signs in Matthew 24 could have or are happening today?

3 The First Vision: “I, John” - Brother/Partner = Community - “In the Spirit” = Holy Spirit Source - “Lord’s Day” = Sunday, Resurrection - “Heard” = audible before visual

4 The First Vision: 7 Churches - Order is by Design


6 The First Vision: 7 Churches - Order is by Design - Relationship to Imperial Cult - Represents Issues in churches - 7 = Completeness

7 The First Vision: Son of Man


9 The First Vision: Son of Man - 7 Lampstands = 7 Churches - Position – In the midst - “Son of Man” – allusion to Dan. 7:13 - Description = Metaphorical Image

10 The First Vision: Son of Man - Robe & Sash = Priestly Garments – Ex. 28:4; 39:29 - White head/hair = Dignity and Wisdom – Lev.19:32; Pro. 20:29

11 The First Vision: Son of Man - Blazing Eyes = Divine insight – Dan. 10:6, Rev. 2:18/19:12 - Bronze Feet = Strength & Stability for Judgement – Dan. 10:6

12 The First Vision: Son of Man - Voice = Power and Strength – Ezek. 1:24/43:2 - Stars in Hand = Authority and Control of Angels of 7 Churches

13 The First Vision: Son of Man - Sword = Universal Authority – Isa. 11:4; 2 Thess. 2:8 - Radiant Face = Glory

14 The First Vision: Response & Commission - “Fall as Dead” - “Right Hand” - “Do not fear” – He is living one! - “Keys” – Authority/Control

15 The First Vision: Response & Commission - “Write” - “Things You Have Seen” - “Those that are and …take place”

16 Revelation portrays Christ in beautiful imagery as the equal to God and the Deity in our midst. Takeaway Thought.

17 “The importance of John’s extraordinarily high Christology for the message of Revelation is that it makes absolutely clear that what Christ does, God does. Since Christ shares the one eternal being of God, what Christ is said to do, in salvation and judgment, is no less truly and directly divine than what is said to be done by ‘the One who sits on the throne.’” Richard Bauckham, The Theology of the Book of Revelation

18 This Week Try: Read Revelation 2 – 3 and make a list of applications from those churches that could apply to us today…be specific if possible!


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