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User Defined Data Types The Type Statement. Creating Your Own Data Types You can combine variables of several different types to create user-defined types.

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Presentation on theme: "User Defined Data Types The Type Statement. Creating Your Own Data Types You can combine variables of several different types to create user-defined types."— Presentation transcript:

1 User Defined Data Types The Type Statement

2 Creating Your Own Data Types You can combine variables of several different types to create user-defined types. User-defined types are useful when you want to create a single variable that holds several related pieces of information.

3 Creating Your Own Data Types You create a user-defined type with the Type statement, which must be placed in the Declarations section of a module. User-defined types can be declared as Private or Public with the appropriate keyword.

4 Type Statement Syntax: [Private | Public] Type varname elementname As type [elementname As type]... End Type

5 Type Statement Example Type EmployeeRecord ID As Integer Name As String Address As String Phone As Long HireDate As Date End Type Public Sub CreateRecord() Dim MyRecord As EmployeeRecord MyRecord.ID = 12003 End Sub

6 ' Declarations (in a standard module). Public Type SystemInfo CPU As String VideoColors As Integer Cost As Currency PurchaseDate As Variant End Type Public Sub CreateSystem() Dim MySystem As SystemInfo MySystem.CPU = “Pentium 4” MySystem.VidoColors = 256 MySystem.Cost = 1800.00 MySystem.PurchaseDate = #1/1/02# End Sub

7 Private Sub cmdProcess_Click() picBox.Cls Dim college As collegeData Call GetDat(college) Call DisplayStatement(college) End Sub Private Sub DisplayStatement(school As collegeData) picBox.Print; " was founded in " & _ school.yearFounded; picBox.Print " in "; school.state End Sub Private Sub GetDat(school As collegeData) = txtCollege.Text school.state = txtState.Text school.yearFounded = Val(txtYear.Text) End Sub Public Type collegeData name As String * 30 state As String * 2 yearFounded As Integer End Type

8 Dim arrDog(1 To 5) As Dog Dim Index As Integer Private Sub cmdAddData_Click() arrDog(Index).Breed = txtBreed.Text arrDog(Index).Color = txtColor.Text arrDog(Index).Age = Val(txtAge.Text) Index = Index + 1 'clear textboxes for new entry txtBreed.Text = "" txtColor.Text = "" txtAge.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub cmdPrintData_Click() For i = 1 To 5 picOutput.Print arrDog(i).Breed & " "; picOutput.Print arrDog(i).Color & " "; picOutput.Print arrDog(i).Age Next i End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Index = 1 End Sub Public Type Dog Breed As String Color As String Age As Integer End Type

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