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Shelby Welborn 6 th Grade Science 817-547-4800 ext. 4964 Website Conference Time: 3:04-3:50.

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Presentation on theme: "Shelby Welborn 6 th Grade Science 817-547-4800 ext. 4964 Website Conference Time: 3:04-3:50."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shelby Welborn 6 th Grade Science 817-547-4800 ext. 4964 Website Conference Time: 3:04-3:50

2 Remind 101 To receive messages via text… text: @wmscience to 81010. Remind is a free, safe, and simple messaging tool that helps teachers share important updates and reminders with students & parents. Subscribe by text, email or using the Remind app. All personal information is kept private. Teachers will never see your phone number, nor will you see theirs.

3 Rules 1.Follow directions first time given. 2.Hands, feet, and objects to yourself. 3.Bring all necessary materials to class. 4.Food and drinks put away. 5.Appropriate language.

4 Consequences 1.Warning 2.Conference after bell 3.15 minute detention/call home 4.30 minute detention/call home 5.Referral You will receive a dot at each level.

5 CHAMPS Entering the classroom Exiting the classroom Teacher instruction Independent work Group work

6 School Enforced Rules Tardies – 3 rd tardy is a 15 minute detention and a phone call home. – 4 th tardy is a 30 minute detention and a phone call home. – 5 th tardy will be reported to an AP. Electronic devices 10 minute rule

7 Tutorials When you are absent you must come to tutorials to make up your missing work. Tuesday and Thursday Before and after school. All other times by appointment only. 8:10-8:40 & 3:50-4:20

8 Materials for Class Binder Pencil (all work needs to be done in pencil) Paper Science Journal Textbook (this will stay in the class at ALL times) Please put your backpack under your chair.

9 Agenda Weekly agenda on the board Homework Assignments due

10 Grading Policy There will be a penalty of 10 points per day for up to three days before a zero may be given for work not turned in on time. There will be a minimum of 3 major grades and 8 daily grades.

11 Make up work Days AbsentSchool day by which work is due after return 1Second 2Third 3Fourth 4Fifth 5Sixth

12 Restroom 10 minute rule 2 passes/6 weeks Ask me for permission. You may not go during teacher instruction. Take the pass at the front of the room.

13 Safety Emergency passes located by door Eye wash station First Aid Fire blanket Fire extinguisher Goggle cabinet

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