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Lesson 4 Boat of Noah Step 1. Check the two students’ after-class preparation for the knowledge about the boat of Noah and the Holy Bible The Holy Bible:

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 4 Boat of Noah Step 1. Check the two students’ after-class preparation for the knowledge about the boat of Noah and the Holy Bible The Holy Bible:"— Presentation transcript:

1 lesson 4 Boat of Noah Step 1. Check the two students’ after-class preparation for the knowledge about the boat of Noah and the Holy Bible The Holy Bible: a collection of sacred books of Judaism and Christianity, is composed of two main parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament: originally written in Hebrew and later it was translated into Greek and Latin. the Law( 律法书或摩西五经 );the Prophets (先知书) ;the Writings (圣录) an accurate record of God’s dealings with his people in preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ. The New Testament: the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and his earliest followers. the four GOSPELS( 四福音书:马太福音 Matthew 、马可 mark 福音、路加 Luke 福音、 约翰 John 福音 ); the ACTS of the APOSTLES( 使徒行传 ); the EPISTLES (使徒书信) and the BOOK of REVELATION (启示录).

2 Step 2 reading tasks before coming to the text Understanding main points Read the text on the opposite page about how global companies organize their production and answer these questions. 1. where are most simple toys manufactured and why? 2. why does Lego do things differently? 3. what is the reason for a global company to have a part configuration model? 4. according to the text, what are the advantages and disadvantages of low cost assembly plants? 5. what are the operational advantages of outsourcing?

3 Step 3 read the text 1. Prepare for the vocabulary 1 ) Explain some of the terms: acquisition: a company that is bought by another company, or the process of one company gaining control of another by buying the majority of its shares chain of command: the reporting relationships which results from delegating and redelegating authority and responsibility to successively lower levels within an organization.

4 The Lord created everything in the world, and also created Adam, a human being. The Lord put Adam into the Garden of Eden. He saw Adam is very lonely, so he created Eve, a woman, with the Adam’ rib and his fresh. They lived very happy in the Garden, because they didn’t know shame and evil, and the Garden could offer everything they wanted. However, Eve believed what the snake said and stole the fruit that God forbidden them to eat, and also asked Adam to eat with her. After eating the fruit, their eyes were lightened and meanwhile they knew that they were naked, thus they got the feeling of shame and evil

5 Step 4 summarization and review 1. Ask the students to finish the following reading tasks B. understanding details mark these statements T or F according to the information in the text. a. the main reason to have overseas plants is to be close to local markets. b. a lot of plants are now being located in eastern Europe. c. imports to many markets are now cheaper. d. the number of overseas plants is increasing. e. cost is the main factor in choosing the location of a foreign plant. f. outsourcing production to subcontractors gives a company more flexibility.

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