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PLYOMETRICS SESSION. 1. Age Group Suitable for all players aged 12 and over 2. Session Objectives A. To begin to develop players all round power B. To.

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Presentation on theme: "PLYOMETRICS SESSION. 1. Age Group Suitable for all players aged 12 and over 2. Session Objectives A. To begin to develop players all round power B. To."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. Age Group Suitable for all players aged 12 and over 2. Session Objectives A. To begin to develop players all round power B. To improve players balance and co-ordination 3. Equipment Required 1 box per pair

3 SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS 1. Complete a full risk assessment of playing area and all equipment to be used 2. Ensure a full first aid kit is available along with a trained first aider 3. Check all players for illness, injury and ensure correct training kit is being worn 4. Ensure session is conducted by a fully qualified coach or coaches with the correct ratio of staff to players 5. Ensure public liability insurance is in place and up to date prior to session 6. Please see full disclaimer at end of document 7. Complete a full Warm Up prior to beginning drills

4 PLYOMETRICS SESSION Exercise 1 – Box Jump to Step Off Sets = 4 Reps = 5 Work to Rest Ratio = 1 to 5 Resistance = 0 Objective of Exercise A. Begin to develop power in hamstrings, quadriceps and calves B. Develop balance and co-ordination


6 PLYOMETRICS SESSION Exercise 2 – Box Jump to Forward Vertical Jump Sets = 4 Reps = 5 Work to Rest Ratio = 1 to 5 Resistance = 0 Objective of Exercise A. Begin to develop power in hamstrings, quadriceps and calves B. Develop balance and co-ordination


8 PLYOMETRICS SESSION Exercise 3 – Box Jump to Forward Vertical Jump to Jump on landing Sets = 4 Reps = 6 Work to Rest Ratio = 1 to 5 Resistance = 0 Objective of Exercise A. Begin to develop power in hamstrings, quadriceps and calves B. Develop balance and co-ordination


10 PLYOMETRICS SESSION Exercise 4 – Box Jump to single leg landing Sets = 2 per leg Reps = 5 Work to Rest Ratio = 1 to 5 Resistance = 0 Objective of Exercise A. Begin to develop power in hamstrings, quadriceps and calves B. Develop balance and co-ordination


12 PLYOMETRICS SESSION Exercise 5 – Lateral Box Jump Sets = 4 Reps = 4 per leg Work to Rest Ratio = 1 to 5 Resistance = 0 Objective of Exercise A. Begin to develop power in hamstrings, quadriceps and calves B. Develop balance and co-ordination


14 PLYOMETRICS SESSION Exercise 6 – Twisted Box Jump Sets = 4 Reps = 5 Work to Rest Ratio = 1 to 5 Resistance = 0 Objective of Exercise A. Begin to develop power in hamstrings, quadriceps and calves B. Develop balance and co-ordination


16 PLYOMETRICS SESSION Exercise 7 – One Legged Box jump Sets = 2 per leg Reps = 5 Work to Rest Ratio = 1 to 5 Resistance = 0 Objective of Exercise A. Begin to develop power in hamstrings, quadriceps and calves B. Develop balance and co-ordination


18 DISCLAIMER The content of this session is provided as a guide only, and Elite Sports Performance accepts no responsibility for how these sessions are delivered by coaches and athletes that have downloaded this sessions. All content is based on the experience and knowledge of Elite Sports Performance coaches, but in no way are the desired results or training effects guaranteed due to the changeable nature of sports. Coaches and athletes who have downloaded this session have a responsibility to follow all necessary health and safety guidelines to ensure sessions are completed with minimal risk and maximum enjoyment. The Safety Considerations section of the drill is merely a guide to remind the coach or athlete that has downloaded this session of some key areas to consider. These do not constitute a full or comprehensive list of safety considerations. This is the responsibility of each and every coach or athlete who delivers the session Elite Sports Performance accepts no responsibility for any injury, illness, disability or death that may occur during sessions based on the above content. The person downloading this content accepts, through subscribing to this service, full responsibility for the health and safety of all participants in their sessions, and wholly accepts Elite Sports Performance have no responsibility for any incident that occurs during any sessions conducted. The content of this session remains the intellectual property of Elite Sports Performance and it is an offence for it to be reproduced in any form or sold to a third party, by the subscriber who has downloaded the session

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