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L24 Numerical Methods part 4

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1 L24 Numerical Methods part 4
Project Quesitons Project problem added 3 position linkage synthesis See Norton(2nd Ed) Chp 5 Homework Review Conjugate Gradient Algorithm Summary Excel – User defined function

2 H22

3 10.52

4 10.57

5 10.61

6 Fractional Reduction Alternate Equal Interval Golden Section
aka “Exhaustive” Add these formulas to your notes for next test!

7 Steepest descent algorithm
How does it work?

8 “Modified” Steepest-Descent Algorithm

9 Cauchy’s Method Engineering Optimization Ravindran, Ragsdell,Reklaitus

10 Algorithms Algorithms include stopping criteria (||c||,∆f )
Steepest descent algorithm Convergence is assured However, lots of Fcn evals (in line search) Each iteration is independent of previous moves (i.e. totally “local” ) Successive iterations slow down.. may stall Need non-stalling algorithm?

11 Conjugate Gradient

12 Conj grad ex

13 Conj grad ex contd

14 “Deflected” Steepest Descent
A comparison of the convergence of gradient descent with optimal step size (in green) and conjugate vector (in red) for minimizing a quadratic function associated with a given linear system. Conjugate gradient, assuming exact arithmetic, converges in at most n steps where n is the size of the matrix of the system (here n=2). Wik

15 Higher Order Methods

16 Summary Golden Section is very efficient
Algorithms include stopping criteria (||c||,∆f ) Steepest descent algorithm may stall Conjugate Gradient Convergence in n iterations (n=# of design var’s) Lots of Fcn evals (in line search) May need to restart after n+1 iterations

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