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1 LUCA Appeals Philip Fulton Consultant. 2 Census Address List Improvement Act of 1994  Mandates address list review (LUCA Program)  OMB to develop.

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Presentation on theme: "1 LUCA Appeals Philip Fulton Consultant. 2 Census Address List Improvement Act of 1994  Mandates address list review (LUCA Program)  OMB to develop."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 LUCA Appeals Philip Fulton Consultant

2 2 Census Address List Improvement Act of 1994  Mandates address list review (LUCA Program)  OMB to develop an Appeal Process in consultation with Census Bureau  Procedures for the Appeal Process published in the Sept. 15, 2009 Federal Register

3 3 Eligibility for Appeal Determined by LUCA Program Option  Participants Eligible for Appeal Process Full Address List Review (Opt. 1) Title 13 Local List Submission (Opt. 2)  Participants Not Eligible for Appeal Process Non-Title 13 Local List Submission (Opt. 3)

4 4 Option 1 Participants Eligible to Appeal If---  Returned additions or corrections in LUCA, or…  Challenged count of addresses in one or more blocks in LUCA, or…  Certified the Census address list as correct in LUCA.

5 5 Option 1 Eligible Participants May Appeal---  Additions or corrections Census could not verify in address canvassing  Addresses Census deleted in address canvassing not commented on previously  Addresses still missing from previously challenged blocks

6 6 Option 2 Participants Eligible to Appeal If---  Returned local city-style address list in LUCA, or…  Certified the Census address list as correct in LUCA.

7 7 Option 2 Eligible Participants May Appeal---  Additions and corrections Census could not verify in address canvassing  Addresses Census deleted in address canvassing

8 8 LUCA Feedback— The Basis for An Appeal  Detailed Feedback Address List Computer-readable Paper listing  Detailed Feedback Address Count Challenge List + Full Address List  LUCA Feedback User’s Guides— Chapter on “How to File an Address Appeal”

9 9 Appeal Submission  Addresses Computer-readable records on CD Mark-up of paper listing Appealed Address Add Pages  Supporting Documentation Hard-copy only

10 10 Address Submission  Detailed Feedback Address List Records  Added Addresses in Previously Challenged Blocks  Both Types of Records

11 11 Address Submission—Detailed Feedback Address List Records  Extract file of records from computer-readable DFAL  Mark-up of DFAL listing pages

12 12 Address Submission—Added Addresses in Challenged Blocks  Computer-readable address records created in DFAL format  Hand-written on Appealed Address Add Pages  Addresses must have complete geographic codes to the block level

13 13 Supporting Documentation  Statement of the participant’s position  Documentary evidence of the existence and location of each appealed address  Information that demonstrates the quality of the supporting evidence

14 14 Types of Evidence  Tax assessment records  Utility records  Records of other govt. services (driver’s licenses, vehicle registrations, etc.)  Photography incl. aerial photog.  Aerial maps from online services  Local 911 emergency lists

15 15 Deadline for Filing an Appeal  30 calendar days after receipt of LUCA feedback materials  “Receipt” defined as the delivery date to LUCA participant  “Filing Date” is the date the appeal is postmarked or the date it is shipped by an overnight delivery service

16 16 Appeal Decision Process  Review eligibility of participant and of addresses  Review evidence and position statement  Reach decisions  Issue Final Determination Materials

17 17 LUCA Appeals Staff Information Number—Toll Free 877-898-6880

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