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The War to End all Wars 1914-1918. Alliances in Europe The Triple Entente was the official name for the alliance between Russia, France, and Britain.

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Presentation on theme: "The War to End all Wars 1914-1918. Alliances in Europe The Triple Entente was the official name for the alliance between Russia, France, and Britain."— Presentation transcript:

1 The War to End all Wars 1914-1918

2 Alliances in Europe The Triple Entente was the official name for the alliance between Russia, France, and Britain. The Triple Alliance was the official name for the alliance between Italy Germany and the Austria-Hungary Empire. The Ottoman Empire was a late addition when the war began in 1914. Alliances were used to maintain national sovereignty and to match rival alliances. These alliances based insured safety from military rivals.

3 Shot Heard Round the World On June 28 1914, a man named Gavrilo Princip shot and killed the Archduke Franz Ferdinand the heir to the thrown of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in Sarajevo, Bosnia. -Princip was a young Bosnian part of the Black Hand. An organization that supported the independence from the Empire and the unification of Serbia. -This was a slippery slope that Europe descended in and would begin the First World War.

4 The Slippery Slope called Alliances Austro Hungarian Empire Germany Italy Ottoman Empire Great Britain France Russia Serbia Declared war on both France and Russia when they refused to stop mobilizing. First to declare war. Wanted to take full control of investigation of murder of Archduke. Serbia refused Declared war after Germany invaded Belgium (neutral country and part of a British alliance). Italy and Ottoman Empire mobilized for war to support their Allies in 1914. Italy switches sides in 1915 and joins the Allies in return for this would get Austro Hungarian territories after war.

5 Don’t Worry Mom back by Sunday!!

6 ….might be longer than we guessed…. Everyone expected a quick war and the conflict would be solved quickly. Most soldiers enlisted to seek glory and honor. The Germans launched the Von Schlieffen plan, which would take France out first then head for Russia to avoid a 2 front war. The German plan failed and they were stopped at the Marne River in France. The war developed into Trench Warfare. It was nothing but constant murderous assualts on enemy trenches. Ineffective fighting and resulted in high and monstrous casualties. Example: Battle of the Somme July 1 st 1916 the British lost 57,470 casualties which is the bloodiest day in the history of the British Army.



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