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Go Compare……. Consider these jobs. What are the benefits or challenges of each? Gas engineer Construction worker Surgeon Customer Service Advisor Pay?

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Presentation on theme: "Go Compare……. Consider these jobs. What are the benefits or challenges of each? Gas engineer Construction worker Surgeon Customer Service Advisor Pay?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Go Compare……. Consider these jobs. What are the benefits or challenges of each? Gas engineer Construction worker Surgeon Customer Service Advisor Pay? Qualifications needed? Working hours? Inside or outside? Career progression?

2 Go Compare Instructions Learning Outcomes: To broaden the students understanding of the range of roles and jobs available in the working world To consider that different roles may offer different rewards and fulfil different motivations. Opportunity to explore what happens in each job. In small groups students consider each role and compare the jobs, location, hours, pay, prospects for promotion etc. BA to explain roles and provide salary and qualification info. Jobs on display can be tailored to suit different sectors industries or roles related to the Business Ambassador. Key message: People will chose these jobs for different reasons, each example is a reliable and steady job but with different qualification requirements and pay. Some people might want to take on lots of responsibility or some people might want a job that takes them to a different place everyday. There is no one right reason, just reasons that suit that person.

3 Go Compare Instructions BA to talk about the range of reasons why someone would want different hours, more responsibility, variety, routine, roles with clear expectations, same place each day or different place each day. Earnings for each role: Newly qualified engineer starts at £25,000 goes up to £32,000 for a technical engineer. Source British Gas Customer service adviser starts at £16,000 goes up to £18,000. source British Gas Construction worker Starting salaries are typically between £11,000 and £15,000 a year. Source Construction site manager Salaries start at around £27,000, and will rise with experience. More senior site managers can earn significantly more. (source : Surgeon £83,720 (source All roles would have a shift pattern outside of 9-5.

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