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U.S. History.  1. Overproduction of goods. a. Demand for goods was high during WWI. b. Prices were up (inflation). c. After the war, demand for goods.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. History.  1. Overproduction of goods. a. Demand for goods was high during WWI. b. Prices were up (inflation). c. After the war, demand for goods."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. History

2  1. Overproduction of goods. a. Demand for goods was high during WWI. b. Prices were up (inflation). c. After the war, demand for goods decreases. d. Prices drop and profits drop.

3  2. Unemployment a. Factories laid off workers to meet peace time production. b. Returning soldiers replace women and minorities. c. New machines replace workers.

4  3. Old and decaying industrial base. a. Outdated equipment made some industries less competitive.

5  4. Farm Crisis. a. Farmers lost markets after the war. b. Produced more than they were able to sell. c. Demand drops, prices drop and profits drop.

6  5. Credit a. Easy to get b. Retailers keep prices high. c. Allowed people to buy on credit instead of lowing prices. d. People wanted to buy material items - cars, radios, etc. e. People couldn’t pay off their credit. Went into debt.

7  6. Unequal distribution of income. a. Too little money in the hands of working people, who were the majority of consumers.

8  7. Banking System a. Deeply invested in farms and factories. b. Farmers couldn’t pay off debts. c. Factories couldn’t pay off debts. d. Banks went bankrupt. 1929- 1932 6000 banks closed.

9  8. International Trade a. Tariffs restricted trade between countries. b. Countries couldn’t pay off war debts.

10  1. Crash of the Stock Market a. October 29th, 1929 (Black Tuesday) b. Event that marks the beginning of the Great Depression. c. Didn’t cause the Depression.

11 d. Speculation - investors bought on the chance that prices would go up. e. Buying on Margin - paying a small amount of the stock price and credit to buy the rest. Worked as long as prices increased. f. Credit allowed many people to invest in the Stock Market.

12  Herbert Hoover (Rep) 1929-1933 1. Wins the election of 1928 - People were happy with the Republican leadership that brought the economic boom of the 1920s. 2. Theme of Office - “Rugged Individualism”. Didn’t believe in gov. intervention to help the country’s economic troubles. 3. Blamed for the Depression.

13  Franklin D. Roosevelt (Dem) 1933-1945 1. Wins the elections of 1932, 36, 40, 44 - only President to win four elections. 2. Theme of Office - ”New Deal” strongly believed in government intervention, established numerous programs, agencies, policy changes. Many still in practice today.

14  1. FDR’s program to get the country out of the Depression.  2. Three part plan: Relief, Recovery, and Reform.

15  CCC - Civilian Conservation Corps. (1933) - provide jobs for single males on conservation projects. Paid $1 a day.  FERA - Fed. Emergency Relief Admin. (1933) - main goal was alleviating household unemployment by creating new unskilled jobs in local and state government

16  PWA - Public Works Admin. (1933) - created jobs on gov. public works projects. It built large- scale public works such as dams and bridges, warships, hospitals and schools.  EMBA - Emergency Banking Relief Act. (1933) - This act allows only Federal Reserve- approved banks to operate in the USA.

17  FHA - Fed. Housing Admin. (1934) - insured mortgage loans for building and repairing homes and improved housing standards and conditions. Still here today.  REA - Rural Electrification Admin. (1935) - aid farmers in the electrification of their homes.

18  WPA - Works Progress Admin. (1935) – created millions of jobs in construction building many public buildings, projects and roads and operated large arts, drama, media and literacy projects.  FSA - Farm Security Admin. (1937) - helped farmers buy needed equipment.  FCIC - Fed. Crop Insurance Corp. (1938) - insurance protection against unavoidable loss of crops.

19  AAA - Agricultural Adjustment Admin. (1933)- Its purpose was to reduce crop surplus and therefore effectively raise the value of crops.  CWA - Civil Works Administration. (1933) - created construction jobs, mainly improving or constructing buildings and bridges.

20  FCA - Farm Credit Admin. (1933) - long and short term loans for farmers.  FDIC - Fed. Deposit Insurance Corp. (1933) - insured bank deposits and loans, currently up to $250,000

21  NRA - National Recovery Admin. (1933) - created from the National Industrial Recovery Act. The admin. established codes for 40 hour work week and minimum wage.  NLRB - National Labor Relation Board. (1935) - settled disputes between employees and employers (unions).

22  HOLC - Home Owners Loan Corp. (1933) - low interest loans to homeowners who couldn’t pay their mortgage.   TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority. (1933) - developed resources /in the Tennessee Valley.

23  SEC - Securities Exchange Comm. (1934) - regulated Stock Market practices.  FCC - Fed. Communication Commission (1934) - regulated radio, telephone, and telegraph.

24  BA - Banking Act. (1935) - regulated the nation’s money supply and the interest rates.  NYA - National Youth Admin. (1935) - provide job training for youth and students.

25  SSA - Social Security Administration. (1935) - est. the social security system: Retirement and disabilities benefits.  USHA - United States Housing Authority. (1935) - Develop adequate housing throughout the country.

26  FDA - Food and Drug Admin. (1938) - Responsible for approving food and drugs for widespread use.

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