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TE-MPE Workshop 14/12/2010, Manuel Dominguez, TE/MPE-EI 1 Stephen Pemberton, TE/MPE-EI Status of the LHC Electrical Drawings. Progress over the last 3.

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Presentation on theme: "TE-MPE Workshop 14/12/2010, Manuel Dominguez, TE/MPE-EI 1 Stephen Pemberton, TE/MPE-EI Status of the LHC Electrical Drawings. Progress over the last 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 TE-MPE Workshop 14/12/2010, Manuel Dominguez, TE/MPE-EI 1 Stephen Pemberton, TE/MPE-EI Status of the LHC Electrical Drawings. Progress over the last 3 months.

2 TE-MPE Workshop 14/12/2010, Manuel Dominguez, TE/MPE-EI 2 Stephen Pemberton, TE/MPE-EI Update  Following our last technical workshop we held a meeting with an experienced AutoCad Electrical user and a representative from the AutoDesk team at CERN. They confirmed that it was not possible to perform circuit simulations with AutoCad Electrical. They could not offer us any benefits that would justify the time we would lose by migrating over to the Electrical version. We also looked at some other suggested software packages: –Eplan –SchemELECT –Elecdes, –EB Electrical None of these packages would allow us to perform circuit simulations, they also appeared to lack the graphical capabilities we have in AutoCad. Additionally, apart from the Eplan software, there is no training and support infrastructure at CERN for the other packages.  We have recently been approached by Rudiger and Markus Zerlauth who suggested migrating the drawings over to a software that is capable of producing netlists. We can then use these netlists for circuit analysis. I have put together a few slides at the end of this presentation to address our initial findings.

3 TE-MPE Workshop 14/12/2010, Manuel Dominguez, TE/MPE-EI 3 Stephen Pemberton, TE/MPE-EI Developments  As far as our progress within AutoCad; Kevin, our recently appointed AutoCad technician has proved to be hugely beneficial to the production of our drawings. We now have a first draft of sector 1-2. This said, the drawings are still constantly being reviewed and improved with new ideas so we are currently just concentrating on getting one half cell finalized before refining the whole sector.  In February we presented the drawings to the Splice Task Force. We received positive feedback and some interesting comments and suggestions, many of which have been implemented. A few people showed a keen interest to get involved with the drawings; this will be especially useful during the cross checking and approval process.  Modification of the Line-N and its connection box.  Names of all the cold mass assemblies.  Quench Heaters representation.  Circuit and component layering.  Hyperlinks.  Lyra’s.

4 TE-MPE Workshop 14/12/2010, Manuel Dominguez, TE/MPE-EI 4 Stephen Pemberton, TE/MPE-EI Next steps  Over the coming weeks we need to finalize the layout and information content in the half-cell drawing.  We still have work to do around the level of detail of the DFB elements of the drawings.  We then need to refine and update the complete sector 1-2 drawing. We hope to have this drawing completed by the end May ready for its first review.  We are now coming to a point where we need a regular pool of people who we can submit drawings to for review/corrections. This is going to be fairly onerous for these individuals so time will have to be pre-agreed and allocated.  EDMS group will be contacted to discuss how we will store the drawings for easy access.  Investigate a suitable online navigator.  Define who and what will be involved in our final approval process.

5 TE-MPE Workshop 14/12/2010, Manuel Dominguez, TE/MPE-EI 5 Stephen Pemberton, TE/MPE-EI Regular Half Cell: C12R1

6 TE-MPE Workshop 14/12/2010, Manuel Dominguez, TE/MPE-EI 6 Stephen Pemberton, TE/MPE-EI Line-N Connection Box

7 TE-MPE Workshop 14/12/2010, Manuel Dominguez, TE/MPE-EI 7 Stephen Pemberton, TE/MPE-EI

8 TE-MPE Workshop 14/12/2010, Manuel Dominguez, TE/MPE-EI 8 Stephen Pemberton, TE/MPE-EI Conclusions  We continue with our objective of having the complete set of drawings ready for the next shutdown. This means all drawings reviewed and approved via the appropriate channels and stored via EDMS.  With an adequate level of support from other sections and full time input from Kevin and myself I believe it is achievable to have these drawings completed within the given timescale.

9 TE-MPE Workshop 14/12/2010, Manuel Dominguez, TE/MPE-EI 9 Stephen Pemberton, TE/MPE-EI Altium Software Review 1 Week Trial

10 TE-MPE Workshop 14/12/2010, Manuel Dominguez, TE/MPE-EI 10 Stephen Pemberton, TE/MPE-EI Reasons behind the software review……  Nuria, Kevin and myself attended a meeting last week with Markus Zerlauth, Fabio Formenti and Jean-Marc Wickam; a technician who has experience using Altium Designer 09.  Markus and Rudiger proposed the benefits of not only producing a set of graphical electrical schematics but to also have a set of drawings capable of producing net lists. These net lists are automatically exported via the software and used for circuit analysis.  These net lists cannot be produced from AutoCad Mechanical and we found no evidence that they can be produced from AutoCad Electrical. Altium designer software is being used by various people within Fabio Formenti’s section on PCB design and is capable of producing net lists. Hence, the suggestion at the meeting was to try the Altium software to assess its advantages and limitations, as well as how much time we will lose by changing software.  To enable circuit analysis to be performed we will have to define and attribute values to all the elements/components/splices in the machine along with information of cable lengths and cross sectional areas. We would initially have to produce a library of every component and reference it individually.  Kevin and myself have experimented with the software over the last week…………………… varying degrees of success………….

11 TE-MPE Workshop 14/12/2010, Manuel Dominguez, TE/MPE-EI 11 Stephen Pemberton, TE/MPE-EI Example of imported drawing

12 TE-MPE Workshop 14/12/2010, Manuel Dominguez, TE/MPE-EI 12 Stephen Pemberton, TE/MPE-EI MBA drawing (experimental)

13 TE-MPE Workshop 14/12/2010, Manuel Dominguez, TE/MPE-EI 13 Stephen Pemberton, TE/MPE-EI

14 TE-MPE Workshop 14/12/2010, Manuel Dominguez, TE/MPE-EI 14 Stephen Pemberton, TE/MPE-EI Findings………….. AdvantagesLimitations Ability to produce net lists, part lists (BOM’s) and wire lists automatically. Due to the programs complexity it is a lot less user friendly than AutoCad. We have managed to create drawings but these take time as each component and its associated pins have to be named/configured individually in order to produce a net/wire list. Through the net list, circuit analysis and simulations can be performed. The drawings are not as visually engaging as the AutoCad schematics (e.g. wires cannot be shown in different formats to emphasize different attributes, it is difficult to attain the level of detail we would like). Having played around with the scales and sheet sizes we do not believe we will be able to fit more than one cell on one sheet. This would then increase the workload as we would have to provide each wire with tags/cross references to achieve continuity between sheets. It is not obvious at the moment if we can attribute length and cross section to wires. We do not believe there is a layer functionality. We managed to import a section of a cell from AutoCad but it was just a collection of lines. We were unable to convert these lines into components/wires. Jean-Marc also converted an AutoCad drawing but had the same results. It is not possible to pre-wire a component, so for example, an IFS box would have to be wired up every time. We would have to formulate naming conventions for all elements in the machine.

15 TE-MPE Workshop 14/12/2010, Manuel Dominguez, TE/MPE-EI 15 Stephen Pemberton, TE/MPE-EI Conclusions  The pro’s and con’s table may seem a little harsh but this can only be expected when using a new piece of software. As a result of not being able to import our AutoCad drawings in a useful format we will have to redraw all our work.  Kevin and myself find it very difficult to give an estimation of how much time we will lose to convert our drawings over to Altium. We are unsure whether what we have created so far is actually correct or meaningful. Although it will be a time consuming exercise, re-drawing all our current schematics is not the main issue; it is the time it will take us to familiarize ourselves with the software then create and name the pins/components and then research their various attributes.  Our impression is that Altium is primarily a PCB design tool, our initial feeling is we would be sacrificing to many valuable aspects of our project for the sake of the net list; but this is to be discussed.  We believed we could get the drawings completed and approved in time for the next shutdown using AutoCad. As a very rough estimate to redraw all the magnets we have produced so far (this is a little blind as we are unsure of the component configuration process) would take 2 months approximately???  As far as the whole project, we do not have enough working knowledge of the software to give a timescale for completion.

16 TE-MPE Workshop 14/12/2010, Manuel Dominguez, TE/MPE-EI 16 Stephen Pemberton, TE/MPE-EI Questions……….

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