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1 Mei Zhang ( National Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences ) Solar cycle variation of kinetic helicity Collaborators: Junwei Zhao (Stanford,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Mei Zhang ( National Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences ) Solar cycle variation of kinetic helicity Collaborators: Junwei Zhao (Stanford,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Mei Zhang ( National Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences ) Solar cycle variation of kinetic helicity Collaborators: Junwei Zhao (Stanford, USA) Mark Miesch (HAO/NCAR, USA)

2 Plan of the Talk 1.Motivation: Solar-cycle variation of current helicity 2. Solar-cycle variation of kinetic helicity 1) In dynamo model 2) By helioseismology

3 Magnetic fields are observed to emerge into each hemisphere with a preferred helicity sign: Positive in southern hemisphere; Negative in northern hemisphere. Hemispheric helicity sign rule (Image credit: A. Pevtsov) (e.g. Seehafer 1990, Pevtsov et al. 1995, Bao & Zhang 1998) No argument on the existence of this hemispheric helicity sign rule.

4 Theory: Longcope et al. (1998): YES: solar-cycle independent --- Helicity is produced in the process of magnetic flux tubes rising through the solar convection zone and being buffeted by turbulence with a non-vanishing kinetic helicity (Σ-effect) Choudhuri et al. (2004): NO: solar-cycle dependent --- Poloridal flux getting warped around a toroidal flux tube rising through the convection zone to give rise to the helicity --- Deviations from the usual sign rule at the beginning of a solar cycle However, there is an argument on Is this rule preserved for the whole solar cycle?

5 Observation: Bao et al. (2000): NO (of h c ) for the ascending phase of cycle 23 (Huairou data) Pevtsov et al. (2001): Yes for the first four years of cycle 23 (Mees data) Hagino & Sakurai (2005): Yes for maximums; NO for minimums (Mitaka data, 1983-2000) Pevtsov et al. (2008): No agreement on the ‘wrong-sign’ years (19 years’ data of different instruments) Is this rule preserved for the whole solar cycle?

6 End of cycle 23: do not follow Beginning of cycle 24: follow (Hao & Zhang 2011, ApJ, 733, L27 and Juan Hao’s talk tomorrow for more development) Hemispheric helicity sign rule by SP/Hinode Hint: Choudhuri et al. (2004) may be right in its physical picture but wrong in phase prediction. Despite with the accurate measurement by SP/Hinode, the scatter is still very large. Hint: The scatter is an inherent property, not induced by measurement error. Consistent with Longcope et al. (1998).

7 Solar cycle variation in a convective dynamo model 2a How to understand this hemispheric helicity sign rule and its solar cycle variation?

8 Hemispheric helicity sign rule shows up clearly in magnetic helicity density map. Current helicity does show cycle variation, with opposite-sign patches presenting. BφBφ A Convective Babcock- Leighton Dynamo Model (Miesch & Brown 2012) hm hc (More analysis in progress) (r=0.96, 28Mm)

9 In the model : No solar-cycle variation on kinetic helicity (Only vertical component, to compare with observation)

10 2b Solar cycle variation of kinetic helicity Subsurface velocity field obtained through time-distance helioseismology using HMI/SDO data

11 Hk with error bars

12 Each line: one-month averaged No solar-cycle variation of kinematic helicity (r= 0 - 1 Mm)

13 in Model: Miesch et al. (2006) (produce solar-like differential rotation) in HMI data, time distance method Consistency in model and observation: tendency + magnitude (r = 0 - 1 Mm)(r = 21 Mm)

14 meridional flow with error bars

15 Solar-cycle variation of meridional flow? Yes, as reported before in Zhao & Kosovichev (2004). Means that previous non-detection on H k is not by noise.

16 Summary 1.Hemispheric helicity sign rule is observed on the photosphere and shows solar cycle variation. 2.Dynamo models (at least one of them) produce magnetic field consistent with the observed rule. Magnetic helicity better preserved than current helicity. 3.Both the dynamo model and helioseismology observation show no solar-cycle variation of kinetic helicity. These give constrains on the mechanism of helicity production as well as dynamo models.

17 Thank you for your attention ! Huairou Solar Observing Station, NAOC

18 We calculate two helicity parameters: 1. average local twist 2. normalized average current helicity With two vector B representatives: 1. flux density map (B 1 ) 2. true field strength (B 2 ) sunspots

19 Hemispheric rule in global magnetic field Left: MDI; (September 1996) Right: KPVT (Wang & Zhang 2010, ApJ, 720, 632) The same hemispheric helicity sign rule exists, extending to 60 degrees high in latitudes, and is preserved through the whole solar-cycle. (Following the approach in Petvsov & Latushko 2000)

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