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Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [Teacher Page]Teacher Page A WebQuest for 2nd Grade (Reading) Designed by Dominque.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [Teacher Page]Teacher Page A WebQuest for 2nd Grade (Reading) Designed by Dominque."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [Teacher Page]Teacher Page A WebQuest for 2nd Grade (Reading) Designed by Dominque Collins Based on a template from The WebQuest PageThe WebQuest Page Lets Make a Story

2 Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [Teacher Page]Teacher Page Hello students, Throughout the school year se have read many books about, animals, mystic castles, princes and princesses, dragons, detectives, fairy tales and so many other great and wonderful books. Many of you have expressed to me after reading a book or story that you would have given it an alternate ending or changed the story completely. Well ladies and gentlemen your wish is my command ! I am granting you the opportunity to created your own story right from your imaginations. So strap yourselves in and join me as we take off on this exciting new adventure!Introduction

3 Student Page Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [Teacher Page]Teacher Page Your mission for this assignment is to create your own story using a website I have provided for you and present it to the class. You can print the story out and stand in front of the class and present it that way or you can use a computer and create a video presentation. Whatever method you remember to be creative and have fun ! Title The Task

4 Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [Teacher Page]Teacher Page The Process 1.For this assignment I will divide the class into groups of 2. Each group will be given a topic chosen in advance by me to create a story about. The topic include : Foods that your family enjoy, Traditions in your family, where your family is from, Music or the languages your family listens to 3. Each group will then visit and read a story chosen by me that goes along with the topic I have chosen for you. The stories assigned to each group are: “To be a drum” by Evelyn Coleman, “ No mirrors in my Nana’s House” byYsaye M. Barnwell, “ A bad case of the Stripes” by David Shannon and “ My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother “ by Patricia Pollacco 4. After you have listened to the story, as group you will write a short paragraph on how the story made you feel and what you think the story is about. 5. Next you will visit and each student will create a story all about 6. After everyone in your group has created a story all about them you will use the information in the story you have created along with the topic I have chosen for you and visit to create you very on story! Each student will use themselves as a character in the 7. After you are done creating your story your group will present the story to the class.

5 Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [Teacher Page]Teacher Page Beginning 1 Developing 2 Accomplished 3 Exemplary 4 Score Stated objective or Performance Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting a beginning level of performance. Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance. Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting mastery of performance. Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting the highest level of performance. Stated objective or Performance Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting a beginning level of performance. Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance. Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting mastery of performance. Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting the highest level of performance. Stated objective or Performance Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting a beginning level of performance. Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance. Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting mastery of performance. Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting the highest level of performance. Stated objective or Performance Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting a beginning level of performance. Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance. Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting mastery of performance. Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting the highest level of performance. Stated objective or Performance Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting a beginning level of performance. Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance. Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting mastery of performance. Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting the highest level of performance.Evaluation

6 Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [Teacher Page]Teacher PageConclusion After you have completed this assignment each of you will have gained a greater knowledge and appreciation for your own individual talents and gifts. Each of you a special in your own amazing and wonderful way and each person is wonderful and amazing in there own way. We should all be able to accept and value ours and others similarties and differences. We should accept people for who they are and where they come from. After this lesson you all will have learned this and know that everyone matters and everyone is special!

7 Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [Teacher Page]Teacher Page Credits & References

8 [Student Page]Student Page Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page A WebQuest for xth Grade (Put Subject Here) Designed by Put Your Name Here Put Your E-mail Address Here Based on a template from The WebQuest PageThe WebQuest Page Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion Put the Title of the Lesson Here (Teacher)

9 [Student Page]Student Page Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page Begin with something that describes the origin of the lesson. For example: This lesson was developed as part of the San Diego Unified School District's Triton Project, a federally funded Technology Innovation Challenge Grant. In this second paragraph of the introduction, describe briefly what the lesson is about. Remember, the audience for this document is other teachers, not students. Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion Introduction (Teacher)

10 [Student Page]Student Page Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page Describe the grade level and course that the lesson is designed to cover. For example: "This lesson is anchored in seventh grade language arts and involves social studies and math to a lesser extent." If the lesson can easily be extended to additional grades and subjects, mention that briefly here as well. Describe what the learners will need to know prior to beginning this lesson. Limit this description to the most critical skills that could not be picked up on the fly as the lesson is given. Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion Learners (Teacher)

11 [Student Page]Student Page Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion Curriculum Standards (Teacher) From this lesson students will learn how to interpret books and there meaning. Students will able to also use different media devices to understand meaning and be able to read multiple text and find meaning that connects them to each other. -Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. - Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take. -Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.* In addition to the reading standards that were met through this lesson the students also used critical thinking skills to analyze the meaning of the books they were tasked to read and create on there own. They also leaned teamwork, collaboration and creative thinking skills to create and work within a group to achieve a common goal.

12 [Student Page]Student Page Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page You can paste in the process description given to students in the “student” process slide and then interleave the additional details that a teacher might need.“student” process slide Describe briefly how the lesson is organized. Does it involve more than one class? Is it all taught in one period per day, or is it part of several periods? How many days or weeks will it take? Is it single disciplinary, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary or what? If students are divided into groups, provide guidelines on how you might do that. If there are misconceptions or stumbling blocks that you anticipate, describe them here and suggest ways to get around them. What skills does a teacher need in order to pull this lesson off? Is it easy enough for a novice teacher? Does it require some experience with directing debates or role plays, for example? If you're designing for a one-computer classroom or for pre-readers and are creating a facilitated WebQuest in which the teacher or an aide controls the computer and guides discussion, you can link from here to the Teacher Script page which would contain a printable script for the facilitator to follow. Variations If you can think of ways to vary the way the lesson might be carried out in different situations (lab vs. in-class, for example), describe them here. Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion The Process (Teacher)

13 [Student Page]Student Page Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page Describe what's needed to implement this lesson. Some of the possibilities: Class sets of books E-mail accounts for all students Specific software (how many copies?) Specific hardware (what kind? How many?) Specific reference material in the classroom or school library Video or audio materials If the lesson makes extensive use of specific websites, it would be appropriate to list, describe and link them here. Describe also the human resources needed. how many teachers are needed to implement the lesson. Is one enough? Is there a role for aides or parents in the room? Do you need to coordinate with a teacher at another school? With a partner in industry or a museum or other entity? Is a field trip designed in as part of the lesson? Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion Resources (Teacher)

14 [Student Page]Student Page Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page How will you know that this lesson was successful? Describe what student products or performances you'll be looking at and how they'll be evaluated. This, of course, should be tightly related to the standards and objectives you cited above. You may want to just copy and paste the evaluation section of the student page (Evaluation) into this space and add any clarifications needed for another teacher to make use of this lesson.Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion Evaluation (Teacher)

15 [Student Page]Student Page Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page The WebQuest model is best suited for learners who can navigate the Web on their own and can read the kinds of material commonly found on the Web. We can stretch the format to reach primary-aged learners, developmental English Language Learners and special populations by creating a facilitated WebQuest, one that requires an adult or older peer to drive things. Use this page to create a script for that facilitator. The facilitator would print this page out and use it to guide their progress through the WebQuest. This page will include step by step directions to the facilitator, including: What to say at each point in the process What to click on What questions and misconceptions to anticipate How long to take at each point When to direct learners to work away from the computer To help the facilitator, you might want to include screen dumps of particular screens embedded with the directions of what to do at that point. This page is linked to the Process segment off of the Teacher PageProcess segment Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion Teacher Script (Teacher)

16 [Student Page]Student Page Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page Make some kind of summary statement here about the worthiness of this lesson and the importance of what it will teach. Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion Conclusion (Teacher)

17 [Student Page]Student Page Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page List here the sources of any images, music or text that you're using. Provide links back to the original source. Say thanks to anyone who provided resources or help. List any books and other analog media that you used as information sources as well. Include a link back to The WebQuest Page and The WebQuest Slideshare Group so that others can acquire the latest version of this template and training materials.The WebQuest Page The WebQuest Slideshare Group Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion Credits & References (Teacher)

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