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HEALTH FOCUS GROUP MEETING July 2013. Welcome and Introduction CN Goals Metrics Resident Survey Findings Mapping Discussion on Data Collected Discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "HEALTH FOCUS GROUP MEETING July 2013. Welcome and Introduction CN Goals Metrics Resident Survey Findings Mapping Discussion on Data Collected Discussion."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome and Introduction CN Goals Metrics Resident Survey Findings Mapping Discussion on Data Collected Discussion on Additional Data to be Collected Next Meeting AGENDA

3 Choice Neighborhood Goals People: Support positive outcomes for families who live in the target development and the surrounding neighborhood, particularly outcomes related to residents’ Economic Self-Sufficiency, safety, employment, and mobility; Housing: Transform distressed public and assisted housing into energy efficient, mixed-income housing that is physically and financially viable over the long-term; Neighborhood: Transform distressed, high-poverty neighborhoods into viable, mixed-income and sustainable neighborhoods with access to well- functioning services, high quality public schools and Economic Self-Sufficiency programs, high quality early learning programs and services, public transportation, and improved access to jobs. AGENDA

4 Comprehensive Needs Assessment Health Outcome Children, youth and adults are physically and mentally healthy Metrics to Measure Achievement: Number and percentage who have a place where they regularly go (often referred to as a medical home), other than an emergency room, when they are sick or in need of advice about their health Number and percentage reporting good physical health Number and percentage reporting low psychological distress Number and percentage reporting healthy weight


6 15. Where do you buy most of your food?

7 34. During the past 12 months, have you and/or the other adults in your household had a physical exam or other preventive medical care, such as a checkup? Yes 76%; No 24% 35. Are you in good health? Yes 63%; No 37%

8 36. Do you have a regular doctor or clinic where you go when sick or need advice about your health (other than an emergency room)? Yes 74%; No 26%

9 37. Is anyone in your household dealing with the following conditions (mark all that apply)? ChildrenAdultsSeniors

10 38. Do you exercise much by walking, dancing, or more active exercise, like jogging or weight lifting to elevate your heart rate?

11 40. Does anyone in your household smoke regularly? Yes 63%; No 37%

12 41. What types of food do you eat most regularly? Fresh or frozen fruits and vegetablesDrinking Water Sodas and sweet drinks Fried Foods

13 41. What types of food do you eat most regularly? Fried foodFast food restaurant Skinless turkey, chicken or porkNon-battered, non-fried fish

14 41. What types of food do you eat most regularly? Cooked with fat or lardCookies, pies, crackers, snack food Baked or boiledSausage, hot dogs, deli meats

15 41. What types of food do you eat most regularly? Beans, lintels, rice, whole grains Fat-free milk, yogurt Cheese, cream, whole milk, ice cream

16 42. Do you find yourself overly tired and not having enough energy to socialize with friends and family? Yes 47%; No 53% 43. Do you have a dentist? Yes 23%; No 77% 44. Have you visited the Emergency Room for tooth extractions? Yes 10%; No 90% 45. During the past 12 months, have you visited a dentist for preventive dental care, such as check-ups and dental cleaning? Yes 25%; No 75%

17 46. What are the barriers to accessing medical and dental providers (mark all that apply):

18 48. Are your children in good health? Yes 98%; No 2% 49. Do your children have health insurance? Yes 100%; No 0% 50. Of the children with health insurance, is the primary insurance one of the following?

19 51. Where do you go for information about parenting challenges? (Check all that apply) Identify Parent outreach programs available in neighborhood: Program/Number of Replies: Hope House 4; Families Free 1; Traces Frontier Health 1

20 52. Do you have access to any counseling services for fathers on good parenthood and early childhood care? Yes 12%; No 88% If yes, what is it? Love your kids Frontier Health Traces Frontier Health

21 53. Have you and your children met with any counselor to learn about early childhood development issues? Yes 21%; No 79% If yes, what is it? TEIS Programs at health department Early Intervention 0-3 for issue stemming from prematurity Hugs nurse "Health dup" Traces Frontier Health

22 62. Are children ages 5 through 17 in good health? Yes 97%, No 3% 63. Do the children have health insurance? Yes 96%, No 4% 64. Of the children with health insurance, is the primary insurance in one of the following? A combined State TENNCare/Medicaid program 100% Private health insurance 0% Health insurance not listed 0%

23 85. Are the seniors in the household in good health? Yes 36%, No 64% 88. Do the seniors in your household (including yourself) need assistance with general personal care activities, such as cooking, cleaning, bathing, dressing, taking medications, walking, paying bills?

24 91. What barriers do the seniors in the household (including yourself) have to participation in more social activities?

25 Discussion on Data Collected What are the major findings of the resident survey? What does the map tell us?

26 Collecting Remaining Baseline Data Health Outcome Children, youth and adults are physically and mentally healthy Additional Metrics to Measure Achievement: Data on Body Mass Index for children from Kingsport Public Schools Data from Sullivan County health Department Data on USDA food stamps (may be confidential) Data from Kingsport Tomorrow Healthier Communities Grant Data from Kingsport Medical Center on veteran’s health Data on dental health for resident and the neighborhood.

27 Next Meeting Date and Time? Project Website:

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