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Improved access to data to support high level indicators for salmon and steelhead.

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Presentation on theme: "Improved access to data to support high level indicators for salmon and steelhead."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improved access to data to support high level indicators for salmon and steelhead

2 Project structure Project core team – CBFWA, StreamNet, PNAMP CA Planning Group Initial focus on VSP abundance indicators Natural Origin Spawner Abundance Smolt to Adult Return Recruit per Spawner

3 Project History 2009 Anadromous Salmonid Monitoring Strategy (ASMS) 2010 - Phase I workshop inventory DET developed 2011 - Phase II Data technicians assigned to participant’s location to gather data with inventory DET ‘Strategy’ report spring and fall workshops

4 CRB Collaborative Data Sharing Strategy: Salmon & Steelhead Population Abundance and Productivity Indicators Improve infrastructure Encourage a network of data stewards Continue coordination Develop tools

5 Phase III Workplan Complete Strategy and submit to NPCC, BPA, and ISRP Develop list of prioritized projects supporting goals of Strategy Establish capacity to submit and share data in DET format Refine roles for CAPG, core team, and participating agencies Initiate routine sharing of indicators and expand to other indicators other than original three

6 Oversight and Direction Science Team Coordinated Assessments Planning Group DET Development Team Technical Team StreamNet Technical Group and staff Additional interested people/agencies

7 2012 Timeline Finalize DET – late Spring or Summer

8 2012 Timeline Finalize DET – late Spring or Summer List specific data elements that will be shared Indicator and metrics Explanatory metadata Clear definitions of each element Required format

9 2012 Timeline Finalize DET – late Spring or Summer Database structure – Summer Goal is an Exchange Network Will require new IT capabilities in agencies Temporary use of database

10 2012 Timeline Finalize DET – late Spring or Summer Database structure – Summer Data tools – late Summer Specific tools to assist agencies Tools to assist data transfer

11 2012 Timeline Finalize DET – late Spring or Summer Database structure – Summer Data tools – late Summer Begin acquisition of data in DET format - Fall

12 2012 Timeline Finalize DET – late Spring or Summer Database structure – Summer Data tools – late Summer Begin acquisition of data in DET format - Fall Expand to additional Indicators Smolt data, full life cycle Other VSP indicators Etc.

13 Progress on Data Exchange Template

14 Natural Origin Spawner Abundance N.O. Spawner Abundance Indicator Dam/Weir Counts N. O. Fraction Total Spawner Abundance 1 0 Metrics 2 0 Metrics Adjustments Harvest Brood Removal Pre-spawn Mort. Hatchery Fraction

15 Natural Origin Spawner Abundance N.O. Spawner Abundance Indicator Redd Counts N. O. FractionTotal Spawner Abundance 1 0 Metrics 2 0 MetricsFish/Redd Hatchery Fraction Prop. Of Pop’n

16 Smolt to Adult Ratio Indicator Pop’n Estimate Adult Returns From smolt group # Smolts 1 0 Metrics 2 0 Metrics No. TaggedNat. Origin Fraction (if not tagged) OR Counts By age

17 Recruits per Spawner (Adult to Adult) Recruits per Spawner Indicator Total Returns N.O. Returns From year class Total Spawners 1 0 Metrics 2 0 Metrics Adjustments Nat. Origin Fraction Counts By age

18 Next Steps Reformat DET away from Excel Build database structure, table relationships Work in agencies on tools Begin sharing data Identify additional indicators needed to share

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