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Jeopardy Hosted By: Señora King Jeopardy Vocabulario EstarPluralsPot Luck Extreme Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Hosted By: Señora King Jeopardy Vocabulario EstarPluralsPot Luck Extreme Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Hosted By: Señora King

3 Jeopardy Vocabulario EstarPluralsPot Luck Extreme Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

4 $100 Question from Vocabulario La papelera in English

5 $100 Answer from Vocabulario Wastepaper basket

6 $200 Question from Vocabulario Table in Spanish

7 $200 Answer from Vocabulario Mesa

8 $300 Question from Vocabulario Flag in Spanish

9 $300 Answer from Vocabulario La bandera

10 $400 Question from Vocabulario Behind in Spanish

11 $400 Answer from Vocabulario Detrás de

12 $500 Question from Vocabulario The chair is in front of the desk in Spanish

13 $500 Answer from Vocabulario La silla está delante del escritorio

14 $100 Question from Estar Estamos in English

15 $100 Answer from Estar We are

16 $200 Question from Estar I am in Spanish

17 $200 Answer from Estar Estoy

18 $300 Question from Estar The conjugated form of estar here: Carlos y tú _____ en la clase de historia

19 $300 Answer from Estar (Uds.) están

20 $400 Question from Estar The conjugated form of estar here: ¿______ tú debajo de la mesa?

21 $400 Answer from Estar Estás

22 $500 Question from Estar The conjugated form of estar here: ¿Dónde _______ Marta y Luisa?

23 $500 Answer from Estar (Ellas) Están

24 $100 Question from Plurals The plural form of the word el

25 $100 Answer from Plurals Los

26 $200 Question from Plurals The plural form of the word book

27 $200 Answer from Plurals Libros

28 $300 Question from Plurals Some diskettes

29 $300 Answer from Plurals Unos disquetes

30 $400 Question from Plurals The keyboards and some windows

31 $400 Answer from Plurals Los teclados y unas ventanas

32 $500 Question from Plurals The pencils are next to the computer

33 $500 Answer from Plurals Los lápices están al lado de la computadora

34 $100 Question from Pot Luck Student desk in Spanish

35 $100 Answer from Pot Luck El pupitre

36 $200 Question from Pot Luck Pencil sharpener in Spanish

37 $200 Answer from Pot Luck El sacapuntas

38 $300 Question from Pot Luck The computer screen is on the computer in Spanish

39 $300 Answer from Pot Luck La pantalla está en la computadora

40 $400 Question from Pot Luck I have a poster in my backpack in Spanish

41 $400 Answer from Pot Luck Tengo un cartel en mi mochila

42 $500 Question from Pot Luck The best answer here: El libro está ______. Delante del reloj Debajo del ratón Encima del escritorio

43 $500 Answer from Pot Luck Encima del escritorio

44 $100 Question from Pot Luck Extreme Door in Spanish

45 $100 Answer from Pot Luck Extreme La puerta

46 $200 Question from Pot Luck Extreme The teachers are in the classroom in Spanish

47 $200 Answer from Pot Luck Extreme Los profesores están en la sala de clases

48 $300 Question from Pot Luck Extreme Cierto o falso: El ratón está al lado del teclado

49 $300 Answer from Pot Luck Extreme Cierto

50 $400 Question from Pot Luck Extreme Marta ______ delante de la puerta

51 $400 Answer from Pot Luck Extreme Marta está delante de la puerta

52 $500 Question from Pot Luck Extreme Do you have a chair and a pen? in Spanish

53 $500 Answer from Pot Luck Extreme ¿Tienes una silla y un boligrafo?

54 Final Jeopardy What are the Spanish translations of these phrases? -You guys are -Paco is -We ride a bike

55 Final Jeopardy Answer -Uds. están - Paco está - Montamos en bicicleta

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