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Back Forum 2011. Describe all you can about this Radiograph: Orientation? Region? Level? Pertient anatomy?

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Presentation on theme: "Back Forum 2011. Describe all you can about this Radiograph: Orientation? Region? Level? Pertient anatomy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Back Forum 2011

2 Describe all you can about this Radiograph: Orientation? Region? Level? Pertient anatomy?

3 Diagnosis? Anatomy involved?

4 Diagnosis? Confirmatory findings on physical exam? Items indicated and other pertinent anatomy?

5 Diagnosis? Findings on physical exam? Identify items indicated and Other pertinent anatomy How do you test m. strength? Test reflex?

6 Diagnosis? Findings on physical exam? Identify items indicated and Other pertinent anatomy

7 Describe typical location of procedure, Anatomy traversed from start to correct finish location Rationale for procedure?

8 A 60 year old female presents with complaints of pain, numbness, and tingling in her lower limbs when she walks for moderate distances -- ????? -possible DX? -possible etiologies?

9 A 35 year old male suffered a penetrating neck injury during a tornado. The physician believes he severed his spinal accessory nerve on the left. What findings would be present?

10 A 36 year old female presents with neck pain. Physical exam reveals (on the left) a band of tight, ropey muscle extending from the transverse processes of T1-6 to about the level of the inferior nuchal line. What muscle is most likely exhibiting somatic dysfunction?

11 What muscles rotate the vertebral column? In which direction?

12 T10 What muscles will be affected?

13 Suboccipital Release is a technique you will learn in week 5 OPP. Constant steady pressure is placed in the suboccipital area to relax the muscles in this region. List the muscles/structures encountered from Superficial to deep. What nerves may be affected by treatment To this region?

14 What is the only muscle that rotates the skull without attaching to it? Draw the suboccipital muscles and the two nerves in the region (1 from within the triangle, One from below the triangle).

15 Draw and label a spinal nerve diagram, include sensory/motor/mixed labels.

16 Predict findings in the following three patient presentations 1. 34yom with avulsion of posterior roots at C5-6 2. 56yom with stenosis of intervertebral foramen b/w C4/5 and C5/6 3. 67yom with injury to anterior horn spinal cord at C5/6



19 Patient presents following a traumatic cervical spine injury. She is Unable to breathe on her own and it placed on a ventilator. What Spinal cord levels are damaged? What nerve is affected?


21 How would prostate cancer get to the spine?

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