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ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Memory  Introduction  Read Only Memory (ROM)  MROM  PROM  EPROM  EEPROM  Flash Memory  Random Access Memory (RAM)

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Presentation on theme: "ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Memory  Introduction  Read Only Memory (ROM)  MROM  PROM  EPROM  EEPROM  Flash Memory  Random Access Memory (RAM)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Memory  Introduction  Read Only Memory (ROM)  MROM  PROM  EPROM  EEPROM  Flash Memory  Random Access Memory (RAM)  SRAM  DRAM  Memory Expansion using Multiple ICs

2 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Lecture Objectives Understand and correctly use the terminology associated with memory systems. Describe the difference between read/write memory and read-only memory (and between volatile and nonvolatile memory). Determine the capacity of a memory device from its inputs and outputs. Understand the differences between EPROM, EEPROM, and FLASH memory Understand the basic operation of and the differences between SRAMs and DRAMs. Understand how data is written to and read from a SRAM device. Combine memory ICs to form memory modules with larger word size and/or capacity. References: 1.Memory reference at the course web site. 2.Fundamentals of Digital Logic, sections 3.10 (EEPROMs), 3.10.1, 10.1.3, 10.1.4, and 10.2.5, and appendix D.2.

3 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Vocabulary Memory Cell – A device or an electrical circuit used to store a single bit (0 or 1) Memory Word – A group of bits in a memory (word sizes typically range from 4 to 64). Byte – a group of 8 bits Capacity or Density – A way of specifying how many bits can be stored in a particular memory device or system. –Example: 4096 20-bit words total capacity = 81,920 bits or simply 4096 X 20 or 4K X 20 since 1K = 1024 =2 10 –1M or 1 meg = 1,048,576 = 2 20 –1G or 1 gig = 1,073,741,824 = 2 30 Address – a number that identifies the location of a word in memory Read Operation – the operation whereby a word stored in a specified memory location is sensed and then transferred to another device. Write Operation – the operation whereby a new word is placed or stored into a particular memory location. Volatile Memory – any type of memory that requires the application of electrical power in order to store information. If the electrical power is removed, all information stored in the memory will be lost.

4 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Block Diagram of Memory Read/Write Enable Control Bus

5 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Each Word Location Has a Specific Binary Address

6 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 1D Memory Architecture Word 0 Word 1 Word 2 Word n-1 Word n-2 Storage Cell m bits n words S0S0 S1S1 S2S2 S3S3 S n-2 S n-1 Input/Output n words  n select signals Word 0 Word 1 Word 2 Word n-1 Word n-2 Storage Cell m bits S0S0 S1S1 S2S2 S3S3 S n-2 S n-1 Input/Output A0A0 A1A1 A k-1 Decoder Decoder reduces # of inputs k = log 2 n

7 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Illustration of the Write Operation

8 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Illustration of the Read Operation

9 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 What is the capacity of a memory that has 16 address inputs, four data inputs, and four data outputs? A certain memory stores 8K 16-bit words. How many data input and data output lines does it have? How many address lines does it have? What is its capacity in bytes? 2 16 = 65,536 words = 64K. Thus, memory capacity is 64K x 4. Data input lines = 16; Data output lines = 16; Address lines = 13 (2 N = 8192) Capacity in bytes = 16,384 ((8192x16)/8)

10 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 2D Memory Architecture A0A0 Row Decoder A1A1 A j-1 bit line word line storage cell Row Address Column Address AjAj A j+1 A k-1 Column Decoder 2 k-j m x 2 j Input/Output (m bits) selects appropriate word from memory row

11 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 3D Memory Architecture Row Addr Column Addr Block Addr Input/Output (m bits) Advantages: 1. Shorter word and/or bit lines 2. Block address activates only 1 block (saves power)

12 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 The ROM Family

13 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Types of ROM Mask programmed ROM (MROM) –Photographic negative (mask) controls electrical interconnections –Economical only in high volume applications Programmable ROMs (PROMs) –Fusible links allow end users to program the device –Can only be programmed once –Economical for small volume applications Erasable programmable ROM (EPROM) –Can be erased and reprogrammed by user –UV light is used to clear the device –Entire device is cleared Electrically erasable PROM (EEPROM) –Voltage is used to clear memory –Individual bytes can be erased FLASH –Allows rapid in-circuit reprogramming of individual bytes

14 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 16 X 8 ROM Example

15 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Example: Tables of Mathematical Functions Stored in ROMs A1A1 A0A0 D3D3 D2D2 D1D1 D0D0 000011 010100 100111 111100

16 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Architecture of a 16  8 ROM 0101 1010

17 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Example: Function Generator Using a ROM and a DAC T CLK T SIGNAL Low Pass Filter

18 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 What clock frequency will result in a 100 Hz sine wave at the output? What method could be used to vary the peak- to-peak amplitude of the sine wave? Adjust the reference voltage of the DAC.

19 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Typical Timing for a ROM Operation

20 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Structure of a MOS Mask-Programmed ROM (MROM) One MOSFET is used for each memory cell. An open source connection stores a “0”; a closed source connection stores a “1.”

21 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Programmable ROMs (PROMs) Fusible links are used that can be selectively blown open by the user to program a logic 0 into a cell

22 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Floating-Gate MOSFET

23 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Operation of a Floating Gate MOSFET

24 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Eraseable PROMs (EPROMs) (a)Logic symbol for 27C64 EPROM (b)typical EPROM package showing ultraviolet window (c)27C64 operating modes.

25 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Electrically Eraseable PROMs (EEPROMs) (a)Symbol for the 2864 EEPROM (b)operating modes (c)timing for the write operation

26 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Flash Memory (a high density and low cost EEPROM with rapid erase and write times) (a) Logic symbol for the 28F256A flash memory chip (b) control inputs CE, WE, and OE

27 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Trade-offs for semiconductor nonvolatile memories show that complexity and cost increase as erase and programming flexibility increase.

28 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 The RAM Family

29 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Types of DRAM FPM DRAM –Fast Page Mode, address one row and all columns in that row before a new address is needed (this is a “page”). Saves time by allowing the same row address for several columns. EDO DRAM – Extended Data Output DRAM, next column is accessed before the external system accepts the current data. More speed BEDO DRAM - Burst Extended Data Output DRAM, up to four addressees to be internally generated from a single external address SDRAM – Synchronous DRAM –data transfer in “rapid- fire” bursts of several sequential memory locations. DDRSDRAM – Double Data Rate SDRAM – data transfers occur on both the rising and falling edges of the system clock. DRDRAM – Direct Rambus DRAM – Rambus, Inc.’s enhanced version of DDRSDRAM

30 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Memory Hierarchy in Computers Speed (ns):.1 - 1 1 - 10 10 - 100 Size (bytes): K’s 10K’s M’s – G’s Cost: highest lowest

31 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Evolution in DRAM Chip Capacity 1.6-2.4  m 1.0-1.2  m 0.7-0.8  m 0.5-0.6  m 0.35-0.4  m 0.18-0.25  m 0.13  m 0.1  m 0.07  m human memory human DNA encyclopedia 2 hrs CD audio 30 sec HDTV book page 4X growth every 3 years!

32 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Altera Flex 10K CPLD SRAM Example

33 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 FIFO SRAM Example

34 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Examples of the FIFO Register in Data-Rate Buffering Applications

35 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 The 2147H 4K X 1 Static RAM Example

36 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 2147H 4K X 1 SRAM Example

37 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 A Single NMOS SRAM Cell (FF Circuit) 0000 001 OnOff On 1 1 0 Write 0101 0 01 OnOff On 1 0 1 Read

38 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Typical Timing for SRAM

39 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 SRAM Timing Example a)How long after the address lines stabilize will valid data appear at the outputs during a read cycle? b)How long will output data remain valid after returns HIGH? c)How many read operations can be performed per second? d)How long should and be kept HIGH after the new address stabilizes during a write cycle? e)What is the minimum time that input data must remain valid for a reliable write operation to occur? f)How long must the address inputs remain stable after and return HIGH? g)How many write operations can be performed per second? Data Sheet Values

40 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 SRAM Timing Example Solution Data Sheet Values (a) t ACC = 100ns (b) t OD = 30ns (c) t RC = 100ns; 1/100ns = 10 million (d) t AS = 20ns (e) t DS +t DH = 30ns (f) t AH = t WC - (t AS + t W ) = 40ns (g) t WC = 100ns; 1/100ns = 10 million

41 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Cell Arrangement in a 16K X 1 Dynamic RAM (DRAM)

42 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 A MOS DRAM Cell

43 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Basic Operation of a DRAM Cell

44 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Simplified Architecture of the TMS44100 4M X 1 DRAM and RAS/CAS Timing

45 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Signal Activity for a Read Operation on a DRAM (The R/W input (not shown) is assumed to be HIGH)

46 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Signal Activity for a Write Operation on a DRAM

47 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 One Scheme to Periodically Recharge (Refresh) the Memory Cell Capacitor The RAS-only refresh method uses only the RAS signal to load the row address into the DRAM to refresh all cells in that row. The RAS-only refresh can be used to perform a burst refresh as shown. A refresh counter supplies the sequential row addresses from row 0 to row 1023 (for a 4M  1 DRAM).

48 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 SIMM – Single in-line memory modules that use 30 pin and 72pin configurations DIMM – Dual in-line memory modules uses 72 pin, 100 pin, 144 pin, and 168 pin configurations. DIMM capacity of 1 GB and higher are becoming more typical in 64 bit systems (not limited to 4 GB system memory any more). SIMMs and DIMMs - DRAM Packaging 30 pin 72 pin A SIMM or DIMM inserted into a socket on a system board.

49 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Comparison of the Types of Memories

50 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Memory Expansion Word-Length Expansion – one address addresses more than one Word Word-Capacity Expansion – address bits are increased

51 Three Groups of Lines (Buses) Connect the Main Memory ICs to the CPU ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010

52 Combining Two 16  4 RAMs for a 16  8 Module Control Bus {

53 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Combining Two 16  4 Chips for a 32  4 Memory Control Bus {

54 ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2010 Four 2K  8 PROMs Arranged to Form a Total Capacity of 8K  8

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