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Effective Posters. A GREAT POSTER IS... readable, Readability is a measure of how easily the ideas flow from one item to the next.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Posters. A GREAT POSTER IS... readable, Readability is a measure of how easily the ideas flow from one item to the next."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Posters

2 A GREAT POSTER IS... readable, Readability is a measure of how easily the ideas flow from one item to the next.

3 legible If a text is legible, it can be understood.

4 well organized, Spatial organization makes the difference between reaching 95% rather than just 5% of your audience

5 succinct. Studies show that you have only 11 seconds to grab and retain your audience's attention

6 Choose a background color that will not overwhelm the message Use appropriate pictures or graphics

7 Choose fonts that are easy to read - consider color, size and be careful not to mix too many different fonts together.

8 Choose one simple, memorable message. Place this message in large lettering that will attract attention. More detailed information can also be added in smaller lettering.

9 Layout




13 Anatomy of a Poster

14 1 The title is set large enough to fill the top of the page and form part of the frame around the poem. 2 The flowers form the frame across the bottom and partially up the sides of the poster. 3 The background is lighter in the middle, directly behind the poem. The darker edges in the upper right corner and part of the left side serve to visually complete the frame where the title and flowers don't reach.

15 Just looking at the poster it seems to be centered Dividing the page into quarters reveals the poem is off-center to the left. The title is even further to the left so that not only is it not centered on the page, it's not centered over the poem. Most of the graphic is in the lower half of the page. It is balanced by having most of the text in the upper half.

16 1 The title of the poem is made much more visually interesting because of its size, which shows off the roughened edges. There is also a white drop shadow around the title which lifts it slightly off the page. 2 The title serves as part of the framing of the poem and provides great contrast between the title and the rest of the text. The lines under the words and eliminating the space between the two words helps it do its framing job more effectively.

17 3 Each verse of the poem begins with a raised initial cap, an over-sized letter that sits on the baseline with the rest of the line that give more visual weight to the text. 4 Centered text tends to be harder to read, slowing down the reader. Generous leading helps to make it easier to follow.

18 Whitespace: Minimal negative space

19 Grid Systems

20 Font-size as a tool for readability, impact and rhythm

21 Photography. Yes, photography.

22 Poster Creation Example Suspicion by Alfred Hitchcock(1941): Is he a murderer? Johnnie climbs the stairs with a possibly- poisoned glass of milk for his wife.

23 Pick your subject and research it!



26 Look at other designers for inspiration




30 Find your own resources

31 Create some Rough Layouts

32 Choose the best versions

33 Choose where to hang your final!

34 How to Make an Advertising Poster Things You'll Need: Message Target audience Design and layout Logo or identifying image




38 Your Project Done by HAND and COMPUTER You are able to combine some computer aspects (certain font and images etc) You are also to utilize your typography, sketching, layout skills by hand

39 You need to create a layout

40 Create some sketches of ideas

41 Do some rough sketches of the poster

42 Create a final sketch utilizing some computer aspects


44 An example start to finish

45 Detailed sketch

46 This one is then scanned into the computer

47 Details are added and it’s done





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