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SOURCES Primary? Or Secondary?. Pretest Number your paper 1-10 You will have 15 seconds to determine if the example is a Primary source or a Secondary.

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Presentation on theme: "SOURCES Primary? Or Secondary?. Pretest Number your paper 1-10 You will have 15 seconds to determine if the example is a Primary source or a Secondary."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOURCES Primary? Or Secondary?

2 Pretest Number your paper 1-10 You will have 15 seconds to determine if the example is a Primary source or a Secondary source P-Primary S-Secondary Ready? GO!

3 P=Primary Source S=Secondary Source 1.

4 2. Police officer giving testimony in court of what an eye witness of a crime said to him.

5 A newspaper article written in 2014 about the 75 th anniversary of the movie “Gone with the Wind”. 3.

6 Diary from 1862 4.

7 5. textbooks

8 6. Scrapbook

9 7. Things found at an archaeological dig

10 8. Book about the History of Medicine

11 9. Jimmy told Susie about the fight he saw. Susie told her mom about the fight. Is Susie a primary or secondary resource?

12 10. Painting of the “Mona Lisa”

13 Primary and Secondary Resources


15 2. Police officer giving testimony in court of what an eye witness of a crime said to him. SECONDARY

16 3. A newspaper article written in 2014 about the 75 th anniversary of the movie “Gone with the Wind”. SECONDARY

17 4. Diary from 1862 PRIMARY

18 5. textbooks SECONDARY, but….can contain primary resource documents inside

19 6. Scrapbook PRIMARY, if its your scrapook done at the time of the event, SECONDARY if its completed by someone else for you.

20 7. Things found at an archaeological dig PRIMARY

21 8. Book about the History of Medicine SECONDARY

22 9. Jimmy told Susie about the fight he saw. Susie told her mom about the fight. Is Susie a primary or secondary resource? SECONDARY

23 10. Painting of the “Mona Lisa” PRIMARY

24 Critical Thinking What are the strengths and weaknesses of using primary and secondary resources? Try to come up with two strengths and weaknesses for each type of resources PrimarySecondary Strength1. 2. 1. 2. Weakness1. 2. 1. 2.

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