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Section 3 East African Civilizations. East Africa began trading as goods moved from the interior of Africa to coastal areas.

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1 Section 3 East African Civilizations

2 East Africa began trading as goods moved from the interior of Africa to coastal areas


4 Zimbabwe Trading kingdom Language – Bantu Ancestors were Shona from Nigeria Trading kingdom Language – Bantu Ancestors were Shona from Nigeria

5 Shona About A.D. 100 - population explosion (a large and sudden growth in population) Land could not support increase in population Migrated to Zimbabwe about A.D. 700 About A.D. 100 - population explosion (a large and sudden growth in population) Land could not support increase in population Migrated to Zimbabwe about A.D. 700

6 Shona Cities Built towns using stones without mortar Capital had houses, a fort, and a temple Fort was surrounded by a wall Built towns using stones without mortar Capital had houses, a fort, and a temple Fort was surrounded by a wall

7 Zimbabwe remained strong because… When chief became old he drank poison so younger ruler could take over Trade: copper, gold, ivory When chief became old he drank poison so younger ruler could take over Trade: copper, gold, ivory






13 Victoria Falls



16 Harare


18 Kilwa

19 Trading city-state in East Africa Collected heavy taxes Swahili developed in Kilwa Trading city-state in East Africa Collected heavy taxes Swahili developed in Kilwa

20 Swahili Arab traders settled in Kilwa Swahili is a mix of Arabic and African culture Swahili language is a mix of Bantu and Arabic Arab traders settled in Kilwa Swahili is a mix of Arabic and African culture Swahili language is a mix of Bantu and Arabic



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