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Persona Discovery Lesson 3 How to Secure a Database “Redesign”

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2 Persona Discovery Lesson 3 How to Secure a Database “Redesign”

3 Persona Discovery Gagne Nine Events of Instruction and Types of Learning Outcome with Keller ARCS Model “For Motivation” An E-Learning Framework for Intentional Learning Outcomes Attention - Relevance - Confidence - Satisfaction

4 Oh No! All our company data was stolen. I had no security plan in place. Shocking $2 Billion Dollar Loss Awful Multiple Data Breaches Ruined Brand Reputation Horrible Lawsuit after Lawsuit Terrible Job Lost Quantities Catastrophic Client Database Stories Variability Video 1 Variability Video 2 Variability Video 3 Variability 4 Attention – A in Keller’s ARCS Gain Learner Attention

5 Good Luck with Training HTORM Technicians! Our Clients Are Counting On You. You will be successful! Good Luck! Confidence – C in Keller’s ARCS

6 Your Training Support System Confidence – C in Keller’s ARCS Training Support System. Brining in Social Community Training Look & Feel. Learners are at “remote” branch offices Completing training and may feel disconnected. They will know most of the people in this image.

7 As a HTORM Technician you will use your existing Microsoft SQL Server Database Management competencies to build upon newly gained skills for “securing” a client’s data. MTA Database Administration Certifications 98-364 SQL Server 2008, 2008 R2 or 2012 SQL Querying using DDL and DML SQL Server Management Studio (relevant experience, familiarity, prerequisite) Relevant Benefits for Lesson 3 Relevance – R in Keller’s ARCS Technician’s Persona Discovery

8 Relevant Benefits for Lesson 3 (continued) Relevance – R in Keller’s ARCS Technician’s Persona Discovery This lesson on How to Secure a Client’s Database will benefit you in variety of areas of personal career interest. Increase Your Competitive Edge Increase Your Level of Technical Expertise Allow You to Practice with the Latest Technology Provide Opportunities for Field Experience Perform Onsite Database Software Updates Maintain Onsite Client Database Systems and Data Management (present worth) You will gain new skills, help clients and support our company for the future by fulfilling the following. Support Client Needs and Industry Demand Prevent Client Data Loss and Mismanagement Protect Client’s Data from Breaches Support a Client Security Plan Minimize HTORM Business Risks (future usefulness)

9 Relevant Benefits for Lesson 3 (continued) Relevance – R in Keller’s ARCS Technician’s Persona Discovery Learning this lesson will qualify you for the following “valuable” opportunities. Earn a Reputable Microsoft Achievement Certification Advance to District Technician Training Role Advance to a Senior Field Database Administrator Qualify for a Performance Improvement Pay Increase Obtain a Full Time Stable Technician Position (needs matching, state-stable curiosity, closes technician gaps, cognitive domain) The HTORM Technician that completes training first will receive a completely paid trip and training voucher for an advanced information technology certification. (modeling, needs matching, relevancy, pushing motivation further) You may chose how to learn How to Administer a Client’s Microsoft SQL Server Relational Database Management training lessons using the HTORM intranet. Organize the day(s), time and location of choice that fits your scheduling needs. Please complete all training for Phase I by May 25, 2015 at 5pm. (choice)

10 Reputable Microsoft Achievement Certification Recognized Creditability Training for Industry Promote Quality Service Brand Relevance – R in Keller’s ARCS Technician’s Persona Discovery (Needs Matching) Builds Affective Domain of Excitement to Earn Certification

11 Performance Objective: As a HTORM Technician you will be successful by demonstrating the procedures if you chose to proceed on how to administer a client’s database security. Here are the procedural steps you will gain using the SQL Server Management Studio Tools, SSMS. Learning Outcomes: Add a New Login to SQL Server with SSMS Add a New Login to SQL Server with T-SQL Drop a Login to SQL with SSMS Drop a Login to SQL with T-SQL Lesson 3 – How to Secure a Database Relevancy – R in Keller’s ARCS & Gagne Event #4, Confidence - C in Keller’s ARCS Learner Requirement, Expectancy Builds Confidence, Success Opportunities, Personal Control Builds Confidence

12 Assign Fixed Database Roles with T-SQL Assign Fixed Database Roles with SSMS Set a Permissions from a User List with SSMS Select a Permissions from the Role List with SSMS Modify an Objects Permissions with SSMS Use T-SQL to Grant Object Permissions Program with T-SQL to Manage Roles Update Database Software Versions Maintain Onsite Client Database Systems Manage Data; Tables, Relationships, Properties (present worth) Lesson 3 – How to Secure a Database Relevancy – R in Keller’s ARCS & Gagne Event #4, Confidence - C in Keller’s ARCS Learner Requirement, Expectancy Builds Confidence, Success Opportunities, Personal Control Builds Confidence

13 Example for New Login: The example below shows how to correctly add a new login for a client’s MS SQL Server using SSMS. 1 2 3 4 Lesson 3 – How to Secure a Database Relevancy – R in Keller’s ARCS & Gagne Event #5

14 Learning Activity #1 Drill and Practice: Secure a database on Workstation B using the Business Case Station with SSMS. After you have practiced and feel confident, demonstrate and discuss the purpose for each procedural step in front of a certified HTORM Senior Technician. Give it a try!, You can do it and be successful at these tasks. Lesson 3 – How to Secure a Database Gagne Event #6 Confidence – C in Keller’s ARCS, Confidence through Practice, Personal Control

15 Learning Activity #1 Drill and Practice Feedback: The certified HTORM Senior Technician would provide sensory verbal feedback. Great Job! See how well your practice and effort has improved your performance. You should be proud of your newly acquired skills. You should realize how much better you feel about your confidence level through your ongoing hands-on application practice. You successfully completed the training and it was a pleasing activity. Lesson 3 – How to Secure a Database Gagne Event #7, Satisfaction – S in Keller’s ARCS Accomplished through Intrinsic Motivation Feedback also builds Confidence – C in ARCS

16 Progress Point

17 Accomplished Training – Jr. Database Administrator S in Keller’s ARCS Satisfaction Positive Feelings of Accomplishments, Recognition Received with Evidence, Extrinsic, Intrinsic Rewards, Opportunity to Apply New Skills, Promotion due to Earned, Fairness = Self Rewarding Now as a Certified Technician successfully completing Phase I training, you are qualified to apply your new skills. You have been promoted to work externally out in the field to obtain Phase II training with a Sr. Technician. Your new title is a Jr. Database Administrator.

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