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Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Short Course 5 th edition Davi-Ellen Chabner.

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1 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Short Course 5 th edition Davi-Ellen Chabner

2 Male Reproductive System Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

3 Learning Objectives  Name, locate, and describe the functions of the organs of the male reproductive system.  Define some abnormal conditions and infections that affect the male reproductive system.  Differentiate among several types of sexually transmitted infections.

4 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Learning Objectives (cont’d.)  Define many combining forms used to describe the structures of the this system.  Describe various laboratory tests and clinical procedures that are pertinent to the disorders of the male reproductive system, and recognize related abbreviations.  Apply your new knowledge to understanding medical terms in their contexts, such as medical reports and records.

5 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Introduction  The male sex cell is called a spermatozoon, or sperm cell.  The sperm cell carries its nuclear hereditary material, or chromosomes, in its head region.  The tail consists of a flagellum, which makes the sperm cell mobile.

6 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Introduction (cont’d.)  Only one spermatozoon out of 300 million sperm cells released during ejaculation can fertilize a single female ovum.  If more than one egg is present in the fallopian tubes during ejaculation, multiple fertilizations are possible.

7 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.  Twins resulting from the fertilization of separate ova by separate sperm cells are called fraternal twins.  Twins resulting from the fertilization of a single egg by a single sperm are called identical twins. Fraternal twins. Notice the 6-week- old embryos in two separate amnionic sacs Introduction (cont’d.)

8 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Introduction (cont’d.)  The organs of the male reproductive system are designed to produce and release billions of sperm cells throughout the man’s lifetime.  The hormone called testosterone is responsible for the bodily characteristics of the male (such as beard, pubic hair and deeper voice).

9 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Anatomy

10 Anatomy (cont’d.)  Internal structure of the testis and the epididymis

11 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Anatomy (cont’d.)  The passage of sperm from the seminiferous tubules to the outside of the body.

12 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.  balan/oglans penis   orch/otestis, testicle   orchi/otestis, testicle   orchid/otestis, testicle   prostat/oprostate gland   scrot/oscrotum   urethr/ourethra   vas/ovas deferens Combining FormMeaning COMBINING FORMS AND TERMINOLOGY

13 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Pathologic Conditions

14 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Pathologic Conditions

15 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Pathologic Conditions (cont’d.) Hypospadias  Surgical repair involves exciding a portion of the prepuce, wrapping it around a catheter, suturing it to the distal part of the urethra, bringing it to the end of the penis.

16 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Common Infections  chlamydial infection  gonorrhea  herpes genitalis  syphilis

17 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Laboratory Tests and Clinical Procedures  Laboratory Tests  PSA test  semen analysis

18 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Laboratory Tests and Clinical Procedures Clinical Procedures- p. 7  transurethral resection of the prostate using a cystoscope

19 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Laboratory Tests and Clinical Procedures Clinical Procedures  Vasectomy

20 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. QUICK QUIZ: QUICK QUIZ: What is the term that means removal of the prostate? A. orchiectomy B. prostatecomy C. vasectomy D. prostatitis

21 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. What are these useful abbreviations? ( P. 242) What are these useful abbreviations? ( P. 242)  BPH  DRE  GU  PSA  STD  STI  TURP

22 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. REVIEW SHEET balan/o__________balan/o__________ orch/o __________orch/o __________ orchi/o __________orchi/o __________ orchid/o__________orchid/o__________ prostat/o__________prostat/o__________ scrot/o__________scrot/o__________ urethr/o__________urethr/o__________ vas/o__________vas/o__________ Combining Form Meaning

23 Copyright © 2008, 2005 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. REVIEW SHEET Combining Form Meaning balan/openisbalan/openis orch/o testisorch/o testis orchi/otestisorchi/otestis orchid/otestisorchid/otestis prostat/oprostate glandprostat/oprostate gland scrot/oscrotumscrot/oscrotum urethr/ourethraurethr/ourethra vas/ovas deferensvas/ovas deferens

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