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Speciation and Macroevolution

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1 Speciation and Macroevolution
Divergent Evolution Convergent Evolution

2 Evolutionary change of a species over time
Creation of new groupspeciation  diversity of living things.

3 Speciation & Macroevolution
Microevolution = evolution on small scale changes in allele frequency in a population over time Speciation = formation of new species Bridges micro and macro-evolution Macroevolution = large scale evolution broad patterns of evolutionary change; species formation and larger

4 What is a species? biological species concept:
A group of individuals (i.e., multiple pops.) that have the potential to interbreed in nature and produce viable, fertile offspring. Based on reproductive compatibility and isolation Weakness of this def: Other species definitions: Morphological species concept: based on structure Ecological species concept: based on niche (i.e., role in ecosystem) Phylogenetic species concept: based on common ancestor (evolutionary relationship) More…..

5 Reproductive Isolation
Reproductive isolation : inability to mate and produce viable, fertile offspring Classification/Types of Isolation: Prezygotic Barriers Pre-mating attempt Post-mating attempt Post-zygotic Barriers

6 Figure 24.13-2 Isolated population diverges. Gene flow Population
Barrier to gene flow Figure Formation of a hybrid zone and possible outcomes for hybrids over time (step 2) Figure

7 Mating doesn’t occur Gametes don’t unite Offspring doesn’t survive or can’t perpetuate species

8 Prezygotic barriers block fertilization from occurring by
Impeding different species from attempting to mate Preventing the successful completion of mating Hindering fertilization if mating is successful Postzygotic barriers prevent the hybrid zygote from developing into a viable, fertile adult Reduced hybrid viability Reduced hybrid fertility Hybrid breakdown

9 Two forms of Speciation:
Allopatric: speciation with geographic separation Non-overlapping populations “Barrier” is relative to dispersal ability of organism Even if contact is restored, interbreeding is prevented Sympatric: speciation within the same geographic location/area Overlapping

10 Allopatric Speciation: A tale of two fuzzy animals

11 Experiment Reproductive barriers can develop when laboratory populations are experimentally isolated and subjected to different environmental conditions Initial population of fruit flies (Drosophila pseudoobscura) Some flies raised on starch medium Some flies raised on maltose medium Mating experiments after 40 generations Results Female Female Starch population 1 Starch population 2 Starch Maltose population 1 Starch Starch 22 9 18 15 Figure 24.7 Inquiry: Can divergence of allopatric populations lead to reproductive isolation? Male Male population 2 Starch Maltose 8 20 12 15 Number of matings in experimental group Number of matings in control group Figure 24.7

12 Figure 24.6 (a) Under high predation (b) Under low predation
Figure 24.6 Reproductive isolation as a by-product of selection (a) Under high predation (b) Under low predation Females from each pop show strong preference for their own body shape in mate selection Figure 24.6

13 Sympatric Speciation Mechanisms for sympatric speciation
Habitat differentiation Sexual selection Polyploidy

14 A “tale” of two squirrels

15 I love a man with a red nose Orange noses are dreamy
Sexual Selection Preference for specific traits (e.g., morphological or behavioral) by subset of females can lead to reproductive isolation. E.g. Sexual selection for mates of different colors has likely contributed to speciation in cichlid fish in Lake Victoria I love a man with a red nose Orange noses are dreamy

16 Monochromatic orange light P. pundamilia P. nyererei
Figure 24.11 Experiment Monochromatic orange light Normal light P. pundamilia Figure Inquiry: Does sexual selection in cichlids result in reproductive isolation? P. nyererei

17 Polyploidy Polyploidy is the presence of extra sets of chromosomes due to accidents during cell division Polyploidy can produce new biological species in sympatry within a single generation Autopolyploid: from a single species Allopolyploid: from hybrids of two species

18 An autopolyploid is an individual with more than two chromosome sets, derived from a single species
Cell division error Tetraploid cell 4n 2n = 6 2n Meiosis New species (4n) Gametes produced by tetraploids Autopolyploid speciation Figure 24.UN02

19 Species A 2n = 6 Normal gamete n = 3 n = 2 Species B 2n = 4 Sterile hybrid with 5 chromosomes Mitotic or meiotic error doubles the chromosome number. New species: viable, fertile hybrid (allopolyploid) 2n = 10 An allopolyploid is a species with multiple sets of chromosomes derived from different species Figure

20 Figure 24.10 T. dubius (12) Hybrid species: T. miscellus (24)
T. mirus (24) Figure Allopolyploid speciation in Tragopogon T. pratensis (12) T. porrifolius (12)

21 Rate of speciation It can happen quickly (punctuated equilibrium model) It can happen slowly (gradualism) The interval between speciation events can range from 4,000 years (some cichlids) to 40 million years (some beetles), with an average of 6.5 million years (a) Punctuated model Time (b) Gradual model Figure 24.16

22 Speciation Rates The punctuated pattern in the fossil record and evidence from lab studies suggest that speciation can be rapid For example, the sunflower Helianthus anomalus originated from the hybridization of two other sunflower species

23 Studying the Genetics of Speciation
How many genes change when a new species forms? As few as a single gene or in other cases many genes For example, in Japanese Euhadra snails, the direction of shell spiral affects mating and is controlled by a single gene In monkey flowers (Mimulus), two loci affect flower color, which influences pollinator preference Pollination that is dominated by either hummingbirds or bees can lead to reproductive isolation of the flowers In other organisms, speciation can be influenced by larger numbers of genes and gene interactions

24 Figure 24.19 68x more hummmingbrid visits than wild-type M. lewisii
Preferred by bumblebees (a) Mimulus lewisii (b) M. lewisii with M. cardinalis allele 74x more bumblebee visits than wild-type M. cardinalis Figure A locus that influences pollinator choice Preferred by hummingbirds Figure 24.19 (c) Mimulus cardinalis (d) M. cardinalis with M. lewisii allele

25 Convergent Evolution When similar selective forces cause similarities (similar traits) in unrelated species E.g., body shape of aquatic organism (shark and dolfins) Similar structure of desert plants cacti & euphorbs

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