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The Resurrection Apologetics David Evans. 4 Basic Theories Hallucination: Jesus didn’t rise- the apostles were deceivedHallucination: Jesus didn’t rise-

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Presentation on theme: "The Resurrection Apologetics David Evans. 4 Basic Theories Hallucination: Jesus didn’t rise- the apostles were deceivedHallucination: Jesus didn’t rise-"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Resurrection Apologetics David Evans

2 4 Basic Theories Hallucination: Jesus didn’t rise- the apostles were deceivedHallucination: Jesus didn’t rise- the apostles were deceived Myth: The apostles were myth-makersMyth: The apostles were myth-makers Conspiracy: The apostles were deceiversConspiracy: The apostles were deceivers Swoon: Jesus didn’t dieSwoon: Jesus didn’t die

3 Swoon theory is false because: 1.Jesus couldn’t have survived the crucifixion 2.No legs broken 3.Blood and Water from the heart 4.Body was encased in windy sheets 5.The disciples were convinced he was gloriously alive 6.Roman guards 7.Great stone 8.No data on Jesus’ life after the crucifixion, where did he go?

4 Conspiracy theory is false because: 1.No one confessed freely or under pressure that the resurrection was a fake or lie 2.To make up the story they must be the most clever, creative, intelligent fantasists in history 3.They willingly died for their conspiracy 4.Lies are always told for some selfish advantage 5.If it was a lie the Jews would’ve got the corpse and gotten rid of the superstition right away 6.Could not have gotten away proclaiming the resurrection in Jerusalem( same time, same place, full of eyewitnesses

5 Hallucination theory is false because: 1.Too many witnesses 2.The 500 people saw Jesus together, at the same time, at the same place 3.Hallucinations usually last a few seconds or minutes, this one lasted for 40 days 4.Hallucinations usually happen once, except to the insane. This one returned many times to ordinary people 5.Hallucinations don’t eat. Christ ate on at least 2 occasions 6.Figments of your imagination do not have profound extended conversations with you 7.Wouldn’t have believed in a hallucination if a corpse was still there

6 Myth theory is false because: 1.Not enough time for a myth to develop- dates for writing the Gospels have been pushed back by every manuscript discovery 2.The 1 st witnesses were women. In 1 st century Judaism, women’s testimony’s were considered worthless 3.2 Peter 1:16 says that the resurrection is not a myth, so then it would be a lie, so then it comes down to either being a lie or the truth not a myth 4.The Gospels are written by disciples, not by later myth makers, the Gospels we have today aer essentially the same as the originals

7 Conclusion TheThe Resurrection of Jesus occurred. ItIt is one of the most well attested to historical events. is the basis and foundation for our faith. 1 Cor 15. It is our hope & joy. is by the resurrection that believers are saved. 1 Peter 3:21

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