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Louisiana Association of Drug Court Professionals 8 th Annual Louisiana Drug Court Conference New Orleans Marriott New Orleans, Louisiana February 24,

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Presentation on theme: "Louisiana Association of Drug Court Professionals 8 th Annual Louisiana Drug Court Conference New Orleans Marriott New Orleans, Louisiana February 24,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Louisiana Association of Drug Court Professionals 8 th Annual Louisiana Drug Court Conference New Orleans Marriott New Orleans, Louisiana February 24, 2006

3 Stick-Ups, Pick-Ups, Put-Downs, and Show- Downs: Responding Effectively When Street Activity, Gang Involvement, and Risky Lifestyle Becomes an Addiction Terrence D. Walton, MSW, ICADC

4 Three Addictions 1. Substance 2. Sex 3. Street

5 Home/Family Church/Clubs Street School/Work

6 Perils of the Street Stick Ups Pick-Ups Put-Downs Showdowns

7 Stick-Ups

8 Why are Young Adults Attracted to Dealing? Money Somebody-ness & Respect Build Relationships Women Support Family Peer acceptance and admiration Excitement

9 Pick-Ups

10 Put-Downs Low Self worth Homelessness (former runaways; recently released from “system”) Crack Cocaine

11 Show-Downs Street Confrontations Confrontations with Law Enforcement Gun Violence Gang Activity

12 Drug Selling Gang Activity Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

13 Appeal of the Street 1. A 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. A

14 Street Addiction 1. Risk-Taking 2. Identity 3. Euphoria 4. Adrenaline 5. To Feel 6. Endorphins

15 Street Addiction & Substance Addiction 1. Relapse 2. Recovery Environment

16 Relapse & Recovery Risk Taking Self Destruction/Fatalism Sex Money Criminal Activity Medicating Adrenaline

17 The Prescription 1. Target Interventions 2. Assess Readiness to Change 3. Raise Awareness 4. Raise Discrepancy 5. Use Strength-Based Approaches

18 Target Interventions Gang Prevention/Intervention “Beat the Street Groups” –Address Underlying Causes of Drug Selling Cognitive Behavioral Approaches for Criminal Activity

19 Pre-Contemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance Assessing Change Readiness

20 Raise Awareness Educate

21 Raise Discrepancy 1.What do you want from the street that you are getting? 2.What do you want from the street that you are not getting? 3.What are you getting from the street that you do not want?

22 Use Strength-Based Approaches 1.Problem Focus 2.Risks and Deficits 3.Past Focus 4.Can’t Cope 5.Directive 6.Prescriptive 7.Change=Behavior Cessation 1. Solution Focus 2. Strengths & Assets 3. Present Focus 4. Is Coping 5. Less Directive 6. Descriptive 7. Change=Behavior Replacement

23 Stick-Ups, Pick-Ups, Put-Downs, and Show-Downs: Responding Effectively When Street Activity, Gang Involvement, and Risky Lifestyle Becomes an Addiction

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