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Session II: The Creative Strand Music K-5 Michele Hobizal.

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2 Session II: The Creative Strand Music K-5 Michele Hobizal

3 “They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” – Andy Warhol “All great changes are preceded by chaos. ” – Deepak Chopra

4 Creative Strand Session Objectives Identify the changes made comparing the current Creative Strand TEKS to the future TEKS Vertically align the future Creative Strand TEKS from Kindergarten to 5 th grade Develop lesson plans for each grade level using the 2015 Creative Strand TEKS

5 Creative Strand Changes “Performance” was stricken from the Strand name The word “performance” was struck from the strand due to alignment with all Fine Arts: Performance is addressed in the Student Expectations. “Arranges” was stricken from the Strand name The word “arranges” was struck because it was not a developmentally appropriate term for this level.

6 Student Expectations Additions Major Additions Movement was added in grades K-5 Improvisation and Composition were added in grades 3-5 *Explore was added in 1 st and 2 nd Grade

7 Creative Strand – Movement!!!! Parachutes and Ribbons and Scarves, Oh My! By Artie Almeida Syncopated Clock by Leroy Anderson Rondo Form – A B A C A Coda Staccato & Legato

8 Activity #1 With the people at your table, make a bullet chart showing the changes from the present TEKS to the future TEKS for the grade level you were given. Kinder – Pink 3 rd - Red 1 st – Green 4 th - Purple 2 nd – Yellow 5 th - Blue *Use your grade level color for your chart ***Concerns or questions on sticky go to Question chart

9 Kindergarten Student Expectation Comparisons (2) Creative expression/performance. The student performs a varied repertoire of music. The student is expected to: (A) sing or play classroom instruments independently or in a group; and (B) sing songs from diverse cultures and styles or play such songs on musical instruments. (2) Creative expression/performance. The student performs a varied repertoire of developmentally appropriate music in informal or formal settings. The student is expected to: (A) sing or play classroom instruments independently or in a groups; and (B) sing songs or play classroom instruments independently or in groups from diverse cultures and styles; or play such songs on musical instruments. (C) move alone or with others to a varied repertoire of music using gross and fine locomotor and non-locomotor movement; (D) perform simple partwork including beat versus rhythm; and (E) perform music using louder/softer and faster/slower Present Future

10 1 st Grade Student Expectation Comparisons (1.2) Creative expression/performance. The student performs a varied repertoire of music. The student is expected to: (A) sing or play a classroom instrument independently or in groups; and (B) sing songs from diverse cultures and styles or play such songs on a musical instrument. (1.3) Creative expression/performance. The student reads and writes music notation. The student is expected to: (A) read simple examples of music notation; and (B) write simple examples of music notation. (1.4) Creative expression/performance. The student creates and arranges music within specified guidelines. The student is expected to: (A) create short rhythmic patterns; and (B) create short melodic patterns. 3) Creative expression/performance. The student performs a varied repertoire of developmentally appropriate music in informal or formal settings. The student is expected to: (A)sing tunefully or play a classroom instruments independently or in groups including rhythmic and melodic patterns; and (B)(B) sing songs or play classroom instruments independently or in groups from diverse cultures and styles or play such songs on musical instruments. (C) move alone or with others to a varied repertoire of music using gross and fine locomotor and non-locomotor movement; (D) perform simple partwork including beat versus rhythm, rhythmic ostinato, and vocal exploration; and (E) perform music using tempo including allegro/largo and dynamics including forte/piano; (4) Creative expression/performance. The student creates and explorers new musical ideas. The student is expected to: (A) create short rhythmic patterns using known rhythms; and (B) create short melodic patterns using known pitches; and (C) explore new musical ideas using singing voice and classroom instruments. PresentFuture

11 2 nd Grade Student Expectation Comparisons (2.2) Creative expression/performance. The student performs a varied repertoire of music. The student is expected to: (A) sing or play a classroom instrument independently or in groups; and (B) sing songs from diverse cultures and styles or play such songs on a musical instrument. (2.3) Creative expression/performance. The student reads and writes music notation. The student is expected to: (A) read and write simple music notation, using a system (letters, numbers, syllables); and (B) read and write music that incorporates basic rhythmic patterns in simple meters. (2.4) Creative expression/performance. The student creates and arranges music within specified guidelines. The student is expected to: (A) create rhythmic phrases; and (B) create melodic phrases. (3) Creative expression /performance. The student performs a varied repertoire of developmentally appropriate music in informal or formal settings. The student is expected to: (A) sing tunefully or play a classroom instruments independently or in groups including rhythmic and melodic patterns; and (B) sing songs or play classroom instruments independently or in groups from diverse cultures and styles or play such songs on musical instruments. (C) move alone or with others to a varied repertoire of music using gross and fine locomotor and non-locomotor movement; (D) perform simple partwork including rhythmic ostinato and vocal exploration such as singing, speaking, and chanting; and. (E) perform music using tempo, including presto, moderato, and andante, and dynamics, including fortissimo and pianissimo (4) Creative expression /performance. The student creates and explores new musical ideas. and arranges music within specified guidelines. The student is expected to: (A) create rhythmic phrases using known rhythms; and (B) create melodic phrases using known pitches; and (C) explore new musical ideas in phrases using singing voice and classroom instruments. PresentFuture

12 3rd Grade Student Expectation Comparisons (3.2) Creative expression/performance. The student performs a varied repertoire of music. The student is expected to: (A) sing or play a classroom instrument independently or in groups; and (B) sing songs from diverse cultures and styles or play such songs on a musical instrument. (3.3) Creative expression/performance. The student reads and writes music notation. The student is expected to: (A) read music notation, using a system (letters, numbers, syllables); (B) write music notation, using a system (letters, numbers, syllables); (C) read and write music that incorporates basic rhythmic patterns in simple meters; and (D) identify music symbols and terms referring to dynamics and tempo. (3.4) Creative expression/performance. The student creates and arranges music within specified guidelines. The student is expected to: (A) create rhythmic phrases; and (B) create melodic phrases. (3) Creative expression /performance. The student performs a varied repertoire of developmentally appropriate music in informal or formal settings. The student is expected to: (A) sing or play a classroom instruments independently or in groups with accurate intonation and rhythm; and (B) sing or play a varied repertoire of music independently or in groups such as, American folk songs and folk songs representative of local cultures; songs from diverse cultures and styles or play such songs on a musical instrument. (C) move alone or with others to a varied repertoire of music using gross motor, fine motor, locomotor and non-locomotor skills and integrated movement such as hands and feet moving together; (D) perform simple part-work including, rhythmic and melodic ostinati derived from known repertoire; and (E) interpret through performance new and previously learned music symbols and terms referring to tempo and dynamics including mezzo piano and mezzo forte. (4) Creative expression/performance. The student creates and explores new musical ideas and arranges music within specified guidelines. The student is expected to: (A ) create through improvisation or composition rhythmic phrases; (B) create through improvisation or composition melodic phrases; and (C) create through improvisation or composition simple accompaniments. PresentFuture

13 4th Grade Student Expectation Comparisons (4.2) Creative expression/performance. The student performs a varied repertoire of music. The student is expected to: (A) sing or play a classroom instrument independently or in groups; and (B) sing songs from diverse cultures and styles or play such songs on a musical instrument. (4.3) Creative expression/performance. The student reads and writes music notation. The student is expected to: (A) read and write music notation, using a system (letters, numbers, syllables); (B) incorporate basic rhythmic patterns in simple meters in musical compositions; and (C) identify music symbols and terms referring to dynamics and tempo, interpreting them appropriately when performing. (4.4) Creative expression/performance. The student creates and arranges music within specified guidelines. The student is expected to: (A) create rhythmic and melodic phrases; and (B) create simple accompaniments. (3) Creative expression/performance. The student performs a varied repertoire of developmentally appropriate music in informal or formal settings. The student is expected to: (A) sing or and play a classroom instruments independently or in groups with accurate intonation and rhythm; and (B) sing or play a varied repertoire of music independently or in groups, such as American and Texan folk songs and folk songs representative of local cultures; songs from diverse cultures and styles or play such songs on a musical instrument. (C) move alone or with others to a varied repertoire of music using gross motor, fine motor, locomotor and non-locomotor skills and integrated movement such as hands and feet moving together; (D) perform various folk dances and play parties; (E) perform simple part-work, including rhythmic and melodic ostinati derived from known repertoire; and (F) interpret through performance new and previously learned music symbols and terms referring to tempo, dynamics including crescendo and decrescendo, and articulation including staccato and legato. (4) Creative expression/performance. The student creates and explores new musical ideas and arranges music within specified guidelines. The student is expected to: (A ) create through improvisation or composition rhythmic and melodic phrases; and (B) create through improvisation or composition melodic phrases; and (C) create through improvisation or composition simple accompaniments. PresentFuture

14 5th Grade Student Expectation Comparisons (5.2) Creative expression/performance. The student sings or plays an instrument, individually and in groups, performing a varied repertoire of music. The student is expected to: (A) perform independently, with accurate intonation and rhythm, demonstrating fundamental skills and basic performance techniques; (B) perform expressively, from memory and notation, a varied repertoire of music representing styles from diverse cultures; and (C) demonstrate appropriate small- and large-ensemble performance techniques during formal and informal concerts. (5.3) Creative expression/performance. The student reads and writes music notation. The student is expected to: (A) read standard notation; (B) use standard symbols to notate meter, rhythm, and pitch in simple patterns (manuscript or computer-generated); (C) read and write music that incorporates rhythmic patterns in various meters; and (D) identify music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation. (5.4) Creative expression/performance. The student creates and arranges music within specified guidelines. The student is expected to: (A) create rhythmic and melodic phrases; and (B) create/arrange simple accompaniments. (3) Creative expression/performance. The student performs sings or plays an instrument, individually and in groups, performing a varied repertoire of developmentally appropriate music in informal or formal settings. The student is expected to: (A) sing and play classroom instruments independently or in groups with accurate intonation and rhythm; perform independently, with accurate intonation and rhythm, demonstrating fundamental skills and basic performance techniques; (B) sing or play a varied repertoire of music independently or in groups, such as American folk songs, patriotic music and folk songs representative of local and world cultures; perform expressively, from memory and notation, a varied repertoire of music representing styles from diverse cultures; (C) move alone and with others to a varied repertoire of music using gross motor, fine motor, locomotor and non-locomotor skills and integrated movement such as hands and feet moving together; (D) perform various folk dances and play parties; (E) perform simple two-part music, including rhythmic and melodic ostinati, rounds, partner songs and counter melodies; and (F) interpret through performance new and previously learned music symbols and terms referring to tempo including accelarando and ritardando, dynamics, articulation and meter including simple and compound. perform expressively, from memory and notation, a varied repertoire of music representing styles from diverse cultures; and (2C) demonstrate appropriate small- and large-ensemble performance techniques during formal and informal concerts (4) Creative expression/performance. The student creates and explores new musical ideas and arranges music within specified guidelines. The student is expected to: (A) create through improvisation and composition rhythmic and melodic phrases; (B) create through improvisation and composition melodic phrases; and (C) create /arrange through improvisation and composition simple accompaniments; PresentFuture

15 Creative Strand – Composition Rhythm Relay See the instructions on each table

16 Activity #2 With the people at your table, fill-in the information using the new TEKS for your assigned grade level on chart paper. Then….create an activity using the new TEKS for your grade level *write your activity under the chart GRADE LEVEL SoundSymbolsRhythmMelody

17 Activity #3 Gallery Walk Take pictures of every chart for your reference

18 “ Somebody just gave me a shower radio. Thanks a lot. Do you really want music in the shower? I guess there's no better place to dance than a slick surface next to a glass door.” ― Jerry SeinfeldJerry Seinfeld

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