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The DISC Behavioral System E.G. Workshops & Seminars Welcome to - The Effective Communication Workshop -

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Presentation on theme: "The DISC Behavioral System E.G. Workshops & Seminars Welcome to - The Effective Communication Workshop -"— Presentation transcript:

1 The DISC Behavioral System E.G. Workshops & Seminars Welcome to - The Effective Communication Workshop - Go Deep with DISC by Teaching it to Others!

2 E.G. Workshops & Seminars William Moulton Marston - 1927 A simple, straightforward approach to understanding human behavior : Mine Yours Behavioral expectations The DISC Behavioral System ID CS

3 E.G. Workshops & Seminars ID CS The DISC Behavioral System… Is a highly researched, valid, and reliable measure of human behavior The research has been done on a large and diverse group Published research reports are available More than 40 million people have been exposed to it in the past 30 years

4 E.G. Workshops & Seminars ID CS The DISC Behavioral System… Provides a non-judgmental language for exploring human behavior in four primary dimensions: Dominance Influence Steadiness Conscientiousness

5 E.G. Workshops & Seminars Discover your DISC style

6 E.G. Workshops & Seminars The DISC Model Conscientiousness Influence Accepting People Oriented Steadiness Thoughtful Reserved Active Outgoing Dominance Questioning Task Oriented ID CS

7 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High D - Dominance  Wants to change, fix, or control things  Fast Paced  Goal Oriented  Competitive  Determined  Daring  Persistent  Aggressive

8 E.G. Workshops & Seminars

9 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High I – Influencing  Fast Paced  Tries to persuade, promote, or influence others  Enthusiastic  Talkative  Optimistic  Persuasive  Charming  Friendly

10 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High S – Steadiness  Moderate Paced  Tends to be supportive and agreeable while keeping things steady  Friendly  Patient  Reliable  Understanding  Stable  Supportive

11 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High C - Conscientiousness  Moderate Paced  Feels comfortable working within established rules and guidelines wanting to achieve accuracy and quality  Analytical  Accurate  Organized  Dependable  Compliant  Cautious

12 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High D - Dominance  Wants to change, fix, or control things  Fast Paced  Goal Oriented  Competitive  Determined  Daring  Persistent  Aggressive

13 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High D - Dominance  Motivation: challenge, control, change, results  Fears: losing control, monotony, complacency  Main Question: “What?”  At Work: High energy, action and result oriented, takes initiative, quick decision taker, problem solvers, sees the big picture, challenges the status-quo

14 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High D - Dominance  Communication: direct, factual, logical, task oriented  Can Come Across as: cold, inconsiderate, pushy, impatient  Increase Effectiveness by: better listening, slow down, consider others’ feelings and needs, smile, relax

15 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High D - Dominance  D – 6%  DI – 3%  ID – 6%  DS – 1%  DC – 8%  DIS – 7%  IDC – 5%  DSC – 5% Famous High D Examples:  Michael Jordan  Al Pacino  Robert De Niro  Hilary Clinton  Barbara Walters

16 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High I – Influencing  Fast Paced  Tries to persuade, promote, or influence others  Enthusiastic  Talkative  Optimistic  Persuasive  Charming  Friendly

17 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High I – Influencing  Motivation: relationships, approval, popularity, fame  Fears: social rejection, routine, conflict  Main Question: “Who?”  At Work: High energy, friendly, helpful, talkative, takes initiative, quick decision taker, problem solver, challenges the status-quo, tends to avoid conflict at all cost

18 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High I – Influencing  Communication: direct, verbose, enthusiastic, people oriented  Can Come Across as: disorganized, fake, pushy, impatient  Increase Effectiveness by: better listening, slow down, write down tasks/goals and follow through, focus on one task at a time, under-promise and over- deliver, avoid socializing while working on a task

19 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High I – Influencing I - 2% DI - 3% ID - 6% SI - 3% IS - 4% IC - 1% DIS - 7% IDC – 5% ISC – 12% Famous High I Examples:  Richard Prior  Robin Williams  Jim Carrey  Oprah Winfrey  Edie Murphy  Steve Martin

20 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High S – Steadiness  Moderate Paced  Tend to be supportive and agreeable while keeping things steady  Friendly  Patient  Reliable  Understanding  Stable  Loyal

21 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High S – Steadiness  Motivation: security, relationships, approval, harmony  Fears: change, conflict, lack of time  Main Question: “Why?”  At Work: moderate paced, follows through, friendly, helpful, good listener, good follower, follows rules and procedures, tends to avoid conflict at all cost

22 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High S – Steadiness  Can Come Across as: shy, slow, no initiative  Increase Effectiveness by: learning to say “NO,” speed up a bit (when quality is not an issue), look beyond the task at hand and see if other tasks need your attention,  Communication: good listener, non-confrontational, patient, people oriented

23 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High S – Steadiness  S - 3%  DS - 1%  SI - 3%  IS - 4%  SC - 12%  DIS – 7%  DSC – 5%  ISC - 12% Famous High S Examples  President Jimmy Carter  Michael J. Fox  Barbara Bush  John Denver  Mr. Rogers

24 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High C - Conscientiousness  Moderate Paced  Feels comfortable working within established rules and guidelines wanting to achieve accuracy and quality  Analytical  Accurate  Organized  Dependable  Compliant  Cautious

25 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High C - Conscientiousness  Motivation: security, order, excellence  Fears: change, criticism (of their work), lack of time, “forced” socializing  Leading Question: “How?”  At Work: moderate paced, withdrawn, keeps to him/herself, follows rules and procedures, accurate, excellent follow-through, performs best individually or with team-members that appreciate his/her thoroughness and expertise

26 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High C - Conscientiousness  Can Come Across as: cold, slow, antisocial  Increase Effectiveness by: understanding other’s strengths, consider others’ feelings and needs, speed up a bit (when quality is not an issue), smile  Communication: factual, brief, task oriented

27 E.G. Workshops & Seminars High C - Conscientiousness C - 7% DC - 8% IC - 1% SC - 12% IDC - 5% DSC - 5% ISC - 12% Famous High C Examples:  Bill Gates  Diane Sawyer  Detective Colombo  Clint Eastwood

28 E.G. Workshops & Seminars DISCover your Strength & Weaknesses How do these strength… Help you when communicating with others Help you convince others Help you manage others Help you lead others When are these strength interpreted as weaknesses?

29 E.G. Workshops & Seminars Recap Experienced the DiSC ® model of behavior Learned about the four DiSC styles Discovered more about your DiSC style Explored the value of each DiSC style Explored How to Better Relate to Individuals with Different Personalities

30 E.G. Workshops & Seminars Resources Got questions? Contact E.G. Sebastian at

31 E.G. Workshops & Seminars Thank You For Your Participation

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