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Enigma Mutiara Sdn Bhd Computer Based Learning (CBL) HSE Procedures.

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Presentation on theme: "Enigma Mutiara Sdn Bhd Computer Based Learning (CBL) HSE Procedures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enigma Mutiara Sdn Bhd Computer Based Learning (CBL) HSE Procedures

2 CBL OVERVIEW  CBL Flow Chart UserCBLAdmin Assessment Produce Result

3  CBL Interfaces HOW CBL WORKS ? User User Clicks on CBL Icon  User enters personal information  Creates username and password to access the CBL Login Procedures Menu

4  CBL Interfaces HOW CBL WORKS ? User Selects Procedure User Reads the Procedure Time will be configured in the system Starts Assessment Time will be configured in the system

5  CBL Interfaces HOW CBL WORKS ? Result Appears Logout The result will be sent to user and Administrator

6 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION  Intranet Web Based Application  Captures Data  Slides Module-Provides Procedures in PPT  Assessment Module-Links To Assessment

7 MODULES REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT HSE procedures in power point format  Either client provide or developed by Enigma

8 STAFF Registration  Before Log in, User enter personal details and create their own account to access the system  The registered information will be sent to the administrator as an email to the admin user.

9 USER ACCOUNT DETAIL  This module will be used only by the administrator, he is able to provide the rights to all users.  Able to provide rights like view, modify and delete information.

10 TEST MODULE  User logs in with username and password, if not registered, user prompted to register the first time.  Once successfully logged in, user selects procedure for assessment.  Upon completion, user have to answer a set of 25 questions with multiple choice answers.  After specified time limit, software makes a time out automatically.  Test results will be sent via e-mail to the administrator and user.  Next exam date will be sent via e-mail to administrator and user.

11 ADMINISTRATOR MODULE  Module will be accessed by administrator only with the necessary details.  Administrator able to change settings for user as and when required  Administrator is able to see all the results of each user.

12 REPORT MODULE  The results of the user with IC no or ID can be created.  Result of all exams attended by user will be available in the system.  Reports can be customized according to the customer needs.

13 ADVANTAGE OF WEB BASED SOFTWARE  There is no need for the user PC to be installed with the client software package.  There is no need for the client version of database to be installed in the user PC.  The system and database will be installed only in the server.  The maintenance of system can be done easily in the server.

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