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Transition from Day Services to Employment Sarah Sturmey & Amanda Noon.

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Presentation on theme: "Transition from Day Services to Employment Sarah Sturmey & Amanda Noon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition from Day Services to Employment Sarah Sturmey & Amanda Noon

2 Who Are Pure? One of the UK’s leading supported employment services. We manage traditional Social Services day care services for people with learning, physical and sensory disabilities. We create opportunities for individuals to move closer to the world of work through the creation of community volunteering projects. We have services for Work Link (Supported employment) with Barking and Dagenham Council, Northamptonshire County Council and Kensington and Chelsea Council and we are continuing to extend our national service. Currently we are in the process of setting up a new transition team for Learning disabilities in Manchester, and Bolton. Stockport’s Community Radio station. Pure Radio 107.8fm

3 Strategic Aim Supported Employment and Modernising Day Services. Hand in hand to achieve ultimate goal – Valued paid employment for all. Offering a variety of projects to enable people to get closer to the world of work. Recognition of the smaller steps needed for a successful transition. Following the true model of Customised Employment Recognition of the need for long term support and re-training. Dedicated Team to move people from Day Services into employment. Effective analysis of Employers needs.

4 Valuing Employment Now – Real Jobs for people with Learning Disabilities The Vision Most people’s jobs are full time (16hrs or more) Adults who had been using Day Centres have job coaches to help them find and keep work. People and their families know they are better off in work and do not think the benefits system is a barrier. To close the employment gap between people with moderate and severe learning disabilities and the disabled population as a whole - This would mean that 48% of people with moderate and severe learning disabilities should be in real paid employment.

5 Employer Engagement Effective analysis of Employers needs – Company Analysis. Employers recognising the benefit of recruiting people with disabilities as valued members of staff. Job Carving (More than a Reasonable Adjustment). Providing Long Term Job Coaches. Training in Systematic Instruction. Drawing on natural supports and resources. Agreeing training plans/packages based on the identified role and the capability of each individual.

6 Franks Story – DVD Questions? Thank You


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