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Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training Slide 1.

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1 Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training Slide 1

2 US Army Noncommissioned Officer Guide FM 7-22.7 Chapter 2 Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training

3 Introduction You are a Noncommissioned Officer – a leader. The stripes you wear set you apart from other soldiers. Every soldier must know and do his job, but not every soldier is an NCO. Across the full spectrum of missions the VDF success begins with you, the NCO. As a NCO you are the first line of VDF leadership. You must always lead by example.

4 Leaders are not born they are molded by training, practice, and experience. Observe other leaders in your unit, especially those who are successful. Study yourself to, leaning from your successes and failures. Lean

5 BE – KNOW – DO NCO’s lead by example. You must be Know and Do to be effective. However there are some basis involved here: Character – Competence – Actions.

6 BE Charter is an inner strength that helps you known what is right and what is wrong Others see charter in you by your behavior. What you do speaks louder than what you say – set the example. Understand VDF values and live them. One of the most obvious ways to demonstrate character is to be honest. Tell it like it is – not how you think someone wants to hear it.

7 Know You need to know a great deal to properly lead soldiers. Know your job – to be a good NCO you must know your job exceptionally well. Know field craft – being an expert in field craft reduces the likelihood your soldiers become a casualties.

8 Know Continued Know Yourself: Be a positive, especially with your soldiers and always exhibit the determination to prevail no matter what the odds are. As Volunteers soldiers being positive is a great retention tool.

9 Know Your Soldiers: A key part of your job as a NCO is to know your soldiers.  Know how well trained they are  Know how they work together as team members  Know how they react to fear, uncertainty and stress  Know if there are personal problems that will interfere with training or the mission. Know Continued

10 DO The decision making tool for direct leadership is called the troop leading procedures. Receive the mission Issue a warning order Make a tentative plan Start necessary movement Reconnoiter Complete the plan Issue the complete order Supervise Rehearsals – (Training) Inspections

11 The FIVE P’s Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training

12 A leader develops soldiers’ pride in themselves and in the unit to get though the tough jobs. Motivate

13 13  You counsel and mentor your soldier skills to their full potential.  You should be training your replacement and wanting that soldier to be better than you. Develop

14 Mentorship is an informal, personal and proactive commitment to foster growth in soldiers based on mutual trust and respect. Mentorship begins with setting the right example by showing soldiers a mature example of values, attributes and skills in action.. Mentorship

15 15  To be an leader, you also must be a teacher. You give your soldiers knowledge and skills all the time in formal classroom settings and through your example. You must also be able to train soldier to high levels of proficiency in their individual and team skills Teach

16 The VDF is a team. Each of its units are themselves teams making up the VDF. Team building starts with your competence as a leader. Training together builds collective competence and trust is a product of that competence. Team building also occurs in athletics, social activities and unit functions like Dinning-In or Dinning-Out. Build the Team

17 If leadership is the lifeblood of the VDF then discipline is its heart. Discipline isn’t just responding to orders or imposing punishment for infractions but is something leaders and soldiers build together. Its purpose is to make soldiers so well trained that they (and you) will carry out orders quickly and intelligently even under the most difficult conditions. It doesn’t matter if the “Boss” isn’t watching; the task will be done properly. Discipline

18 It Starts With the Little Things: Discipline in the little things, Police call, saluting and the proper wearing of the uniform – leads to discipline in the big things: refusing an illegal orders.. Discipline continued

19 19 The actions you take as a leader will most likely have unintended as well as intended consequences.  Intended consequences are those results of a leader’s decisions and actions the anticipated.  Unintended consequences are unanticipated results of a leaders decisions and actions Intended and Unintended Consequences

20 The VDF leadership framework is the VDF’s common basis for thinking about leadership. The values, attributes, skills and actions that support BE, KNOW and DO each contain components and all are interrelated ; none stand alone. Putting it All Together

21 As a Noncommissioned Officer, you have been chosen to be a leader. Good leadership throughout the VDF is the glue that holds units together. Training, practice and experience build good leaders. Be proud you are a leader: strive to be one of the best. You are an NCO

22 Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training Questions 22

23 Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training TEST TIME 23

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