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ORGANIZING THE FRONT DOOR: COORDINATED ASSESSMENT Emily Carmody & Corey Root NCCEH Rebecca Pfeiffer City of Charlotte.

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Presentation on theme: "ORGANIZING THE FRONT DOOR: COORDINATED ASSESSMENT Emily Carmody & Corey Root NCCEH Rebecca Pfeiffer City of Charlotte."— Presentation transcript:

1 ORGANIZING THE FRONT DOOR: COORDINATED ASSESSMENT Emily Carmody & Corey Root NCCEH Rebecca Pfeiffer City of Charlotte

2 CoC 101

3 12 Continua of Care (CoC) in North Carolina

4 NC Balance of State CoC Regional Committees

5 Continuums of Care are backbone of homeless service system  Continuum of Care (CoC)  Regional planning body that coordinates Housing and services Funding for homeless programs  Wide range of agencies and organizations  Promotes community-wide commitment to ending homelessness  Required to apply for HUD homeless funding

6 HEARTH 101

7 The homeless service system has evolved over the past 20 years  1990’s  Continuum of Care created Based on Housing Ready model  2000’s  New Permanent Supportive Housing emphasis  Move from managing homelessness to ending homelessness  Congress mandates HMIS  Local Ten-Year Plans to End Homelessness  2010’s  Use of evidence-based practices  New RRH & Prevention emphasis in addition to PSH  Federal Strategic Plan & HEARTH

8 HEARTH changed the game for homeless services and funding President Obama signed the HEARTH Act on May 20, 2009. It was the first significant reauthorization of HUD’s McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Programs in nearly 20 years. It required the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness to create a federal plan to end homelessness.

9 USICH created the Federal Strategic Plan to End Homelessness in 2010 FOUR GOALS 1. End chronic homelessness by 2017 2. End veteran homelessness by 2015 3. End family & youth homelessness by 2020 4. End all homelessness

10 Programs Activities Transitioning Systems Outcomes Housing First HUD is shifting priorities and funding in response to data and best practices RareBriefNon-recurring

11 Coordinated Assessment 101

12 Low Need Less Intense More Intense High Need Need a flexible system able to triage high need households

13 CoCs can do a number of different things to create system change  Conversions  Transitional housing  Shelter beds to rapid re- housing  Expand capacity  Rapid Re-housing  Shelter diversion  Targeted prevention  Permanent Supportive Housing  Innovations  Exits from Permanent Supportive Housing  Coordinated Assessment (Intake/Entry) System  Common Barrier Assessment and Targeting Tool  Performance Improvement Process  Progressive Engagement  Mainstream Employment Partnerships

14 Coordinated Assessment: Access  Defined entry into homeless services  Covers entire geographic area of CoC  Easily accessible  Phone process  Outreach  Safety concerns  Well-advertised North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness

15 Coordinated Assessment: Access Models  Single location  2-1-1 hotline  No wrong door

16 Coordinated Assessment: Assessment  Only necessary info  Eligibility  Assessment Service need Housing barriers Retention barriers  Assessment happens step-by-step  Prevention/Diversion screening  Shelter eligibility  Housing program eligibility  Mainstream benefits eligibility

17 Coordinated Assessment: Assessment Models  VI-SPDAT  Community-created assessments  Progressive engagement

18 Coordinated Assessment: Referrals  Effectively match households to services  Accurately address eligibility  Real-time coordination  Between referral and availability  Seamless “warm” transfers

19 Coordinated Assessment: Referrals Models  Program placement  Referral Committees  Community referral protocols: What happens when a program does not accept a referral?

20 Coordinated Assessment means big changes for communities  Shift from program-centric decisions  Should we accept this household?  Agency-specific assessments  Ad hoc referrals  Shift to system-level/client-centric decisions  How can our system best serve this household?  Standard forms & assessments  Coordinated referral system

21 Coordinated Assessment part of stronger system  Better serve those in crisis  Minimize time and frustration in accessing help  Close the cracks in the system  Informs CoC  Who accessing homeless programs? What are their needs?  What are current system gaps?  What programs under-utilized?  Informs how to invest and prioritize system resources

22 How Coordinated Assessment works in Balance of State

23 Steering Committee is governing body for BoS; CAC is technical referent for Coordinated Assessment BoS Steering Committee Regional Committee Coordinated Assessment Council

24 Different groups have different roles and responsibilities for CA in BoS  Governance  Systems designed and administered by Regional Committees  Standards and governance by NC BoS Steering Committee  Coordinated Assessment Council (CAC) review and approve plans CoC reps State-level experts and partners

25 Coordinated Assessment: NC BoS  Standardized elements  Governance, structure  3-part assessment tool  Reporting and CoC-wide oversight  Customized elements  Triage and referrals  Wait Lists  Local grievance process  Local oversight Same What Works and What’s Available Locally Local priorities Customize

26 How Coordinated Assessment works in Charlotte - Mecklenburg County

27 Housing Advisory Board Continuum of Care Committee Coordinated Assessment Oversight Working Group Community Engagement & Advocacy Committee Research & Evaluation Committee Organization of Governing Board

28 Role of Oversight Working Group  Members selected by community  Activities  General oversight and management  Information and feedback to community  Investigate and resolve complaints or concerns  Evaluate efficiency and effectiveness of process  Review Performance Data  Recommend changes or improvements

29 Coordinated Assessment: Charlotte-Mecklenburg  Standardized assessment tool at every location, including  Prevention/Diversion screen  Focused evaluation for a high volume community  Housing Barrier Assessment  System standards around prioritization  Dynamic waitlist

30 Before Coordinated Assessment

31 Charlotte–Mecklenburg Now Coordinated Assessment (3 Locations + Outreach) Emergency Shelters Permanent Supportive Housing Programs Rapid Re-Housing Programs Transitional Housing Programs

32 Discussion & questions

33 Mecklenburg: What have we learned so far  Impacts client seeking housing assistance  Provides opportunities to pay more attention to details  Engaging in diversion activities can positively impact system  Creates coordination and dialogue within system  Allows for transparency with funders  This is hard work!

34 BoS: What have we learned so far  Mapping exercise shifted perspective from agency to system performance  Working on coordinated assessment strengthens and empowers Regional Committees  There’s no done  Embrace the freak-out

35 Discussion Topics  How coordinated assessment has impacted work in the community  What the vision is for going forward

36 Want to help?  For more information, look up your CoC/Regional Lead contact  Come to meetings  Get involved with the work  Educate others about the current state of homeless service system  Community-level responsibility  Coordinated assessment  Advocate for affordable housing

37 Contact Info  Emily Carmody & Corey Root    Rebecca Pfeiffer 

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