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National 5 English Course Overview. You will develop your skills in the following areas: READING WRITING LISTENING TALKING.

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Presentation on theme: "National 5 English Course Overview. You will develop your skills in the following areas: READING WRITING LISTENING TALKING."— Presentation transcript:

1 National 5 English Course Overview

2 You will develop your skills in the following areas: READING WRITING LISTENING TALKING

3 What you will do: Study literature from several genres (poetry, prose, drama & media) At least one genre will consist of Scottish texts Develop your ability to write creatively Develop your ability to research a chosen topic and present your understanding in an argumentative or discursive manner Develop your ability to listen to a discussion (from audio/visual media) and talk about its content. Develop your Close Reading skills

4 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT (UNITS) In order to ensure that you are working at the required standard to sit the exam you will also complete a series of internally assessed units: WRITING CLOSE READING/TEXTUAL ANALYSIS TALKING & LISTENING

5 1. Analysis and Evaluation a) Close reading task: You will be expected to read a poem/piece of writing and demonstrate your understanding through completing close reading analysis questions. b) Listening/Watching and Talking Task: Watch a programme/clip of teacher’s choosing as a stimulus for group discussion. Answer ‘media’-type questions about what you have watched.

6 2. Creation and Production a)Piece of writing – This will be as a response to a stimulus such as a clip/TV prog/news article etc. Everyone will write the same type of piece (creative or discursive) of between 500-1000 words) b) Talk (Group OR Debate OR Individual) on a topic – might link to class text or attached to piece of writing (a)

7 Pass or Fail!

8 Portfolio a) 1x Creative (Imaginative or personal reflective) b) 1x Discursive (Argumentative/Persuasive) Both essays will be developed throughout the year. Between 500-1000 words long. Will be externally assessed. (March) 30% of overall mark.

9 EXAM 2 x papers: READING FOR UNDERSTANDING 1 x Close Reading (30%) CRITICAL READING 1 x Critical Essay about a studied text (20%) 1 x Textual Analysis of Scottish literature (20%)

10 How to Prepare?! Read lots over the summer hols!  Novels  Newspapers  Decide discursive topic  Folder.  Dividers.  Lined paper.

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