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Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands Overview of Workpackage 1: Documentation Rob van Treuren EU Leafy Veg WP-leaders meeting Angers, September.

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Presentation on theme: "Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands Overview of Workpackage 1: Documentation Rob van Treuren EU Leafy Veg WP-leaders meeting Angers, September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands Overview of Workpackage 1: Documentation Rob van Treuren EU Leafy Veg WP-leaders meeting Angers, September 27, 2007

2 Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands Progress WP1 in year 1 Templates developed for data transfer Passport data Characterization data (crop specific) Evaluation data Structure developed for Leafy Vegetables DB Request for passport data started Lettuce, spinach, chicory, minor leafy vegetables

3 Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands Response to request for passport data Lettuce 9049 accessions from 18 collections EURISCO: 8548; current ILDB: 12028 Spinach 1322 accessions from 14 collections EURISCO: 1370 Chicory Data received from GBR, CZE, SWE, CHE and ROM Minor leafy vegetables Data received from NLD and FRA

4 Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands Planning near future Continuation request for passport data Third mailing, phoning Use of old ILDB, EURISCO data? Finalization leafy vegetables database Structure, text and lay-out Link to chicory database and minor leafy vegetables Including passport data in the databases Discussion database contents within consortium Crop names and sub crop names

5 Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands WP1: Deliverables D1: All passport data collected (month 30) D2: DBs developed and on the internet (month 48) D3: Other WP data linked to the DBs (month 48) D4: Safety duplication systems ready (month 48) D5: Collection gaps identified (month 48)

6 Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands WP1: Milestones year 1 Start of request for passport data (month 3) Start selection of material for evaluation (month 3) Material selected for regeneration and characterization (month 6) Material selected for evaluation (month 12) Safety duplication system designed and discussed (month 12)

7 Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands Activities in other WP’s Characterization of 150 lettuce accessions (WP2) Regeneration of 70 lettuce accessions (WP2)

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